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Big girls DO cry!


The Expanse 3x2


Frankie H

These reactions are such a joy to watch. The actress who plays Reverend Anna named Elizabeth Mitchell was one of the main characters on Lost, I feel like that's what most of us remember her for. She's one of those actors who's constantly been working in movies and tv for like 3 decades as a supporting character but almost never a main character. I just mentioned that because I loved the tv show Lost growing up and Elizabeth Mitchell is a very underrated actress. Also, now Jules Pierre Mao feels bad? All the terrible things he's done so far: The Cant blown up, the Donnager battleship blown up, 100,000 dead on Eros, almost getting Earth blown up by Eros, and now he feels like "oh this might be a bad idea." I'm not sure what brought on this moment of regret. Was it seeing the kids first hand who he is so willing to make into science experiments? Or was it a the thought that all the terrible things he's done might not yield any scientific breakthroughs or understanding of protomolecule? Or maybe both? As much as I dislike the character it's a fascinating moment. The moment near the end between Amos and Prax is so powerful. It seems like the music which starts around 41:20 is Amos's theme music. It seems like a very sad and haunting tune. Finally, minor correction the dude with Cotyar is an Earther not a Martian. Anyway, these are great, really looking forward to the rest of the series.

Dan Pettit

Nice reaction as always Meg. I won't try to add to existing comments, they are all great. But, you are going to love season 3!