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One of my all time favorites!!


Avatar (BTAS)


Martin Li

Batmandiana Jones! Another scenic locale and unexpected teamwork between Ra's and Bats. Interesting notions on Ra's and Talia's toxic relationship, though one could argue that Ra's is married to his mission like Batman is. The part about conditional love makes me really cherish my family's love for me despite my numerous flaws and mistakes, though it also brings to mind the Star Wars story that the sequel trilogy was loosely based on; the Legacy of the Force series where one of Han and Leia's sons falls to the dark side and becomes a fascist Emperor (again, 'married to his mission' of bringing 'peace' to the Galaxy), resulting in them struggling to figure out if they can still love him or not. Does that count as 'conditional love' too?


Tbh I stopped reading when you mentioned Star Wars, because I haven't seen the original movies, and we plan to start our watch next month!! But love that there's a connection!

Brandon Gibbs

Ya know this was another Indiana Jones type of Batman episode. Also that Talia was always so complicated in choosing who's side she was really on Batman's or her father's and in this one she once again made the wrong choice at the end. That's why she'll never be the one for Bruce.