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Okay real talk this show is making me real anxious and sad lol. And before anyone yells at me, I want to problem solve, because I really do love it, I'm just struggling with triggers and the subject matter!!

So I'm thinking I:

a) Keep watching + recording during the daytime with Caleb (it helps a lot to have people around, IRL or online.)

b) Stop watching for Patreon and focus on other shows & movies

c) Switch to Discord "movie nights" to finish the season--we can watch it together as a community but I won't be making content off of it.

Curious to know what you think! ❤


Severance 1x3 (Meg)


The Modulator

Rest assured, the series not at all devastating. However, there will be a few more rough patches. Selfishly, I would vote for choice A because I enjoy hearing your thoughts on a well crafted show like this. I experience Severance as mysterious, humorous, and uplifting. Despite this, you should decide to continue viewing or not for yourself, not for your audience.

Dan Guisinger

I really hope you return to this show. This really was the best show of 2022.


Given some of the subject matter of the later episodes, I understand why you didn't continue. Although, I hope you come back to it at some point. I think the show presents a much needed allegorical perspective on corporate culture and our why our value systems may be skewed when It comes to our professional identity.