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She's so fun!!!


Livewire (STAS)



Also with how much you're into sci-fi at the moment, I assume you'll be watching Green Lantern: Emerald Knights soon as it's next on the DC animated movie list. Can't wait for that

Martin Li

Nice music but not exactly my favorite DC villainess. Ivy and Harley had more sympathetic motives, but Livewire is a loudmouthed 'outrage' pundit running on pure vindictiveness blaming Superman for an accident he had nothing to do with. Believing her own lies. Really the only thing that might throw you off if you keep going with STAS is that it carries over Batman's Season 3 visual redesign for the crossover 'World's Finest'. But it's honestly not a huge change except for Joker. You watch what you want to watch, we're here for it.