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It's hereeeeee! Happy Friday!




Shelby Waters (edited)

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2023-04-01 16:51:53 this movie kicked my ass the first time i watched it, i was so sad💔i love wanda and vision, it breaks my heart when she loses him. the scarlet witch and the vision comics are some of my favorites. but omg thanos, a villain who truly believes that they’re right and not doing anything wrong is always the scariest to me. he’s playing “god” and saying his plan was basically a universal flood myth as if it was his personal duty to destroy civilizations to create balance. can’t wait for y’all to watch ant-man & the wasp and captain marvel!❤️
2022-12-11 19:56:37 this movie kicked my ass the first time i watched it, i was so sad💔i love wanda and vision, it breaks my heart when she loses him. the scarlet witch and the vision comics are some of my favorites. but omg thanos, a villain who truly believes that they’re right and not doing anything wrong is always the scariest to me. he’s playing “god” and saying his plan was basically a universal flood myth as if it was his personal duty to destroy civilizations to create balance. can’t wait for y’all to watch ant-man & the wasp and captain marvel!❤️

this movie kicked my ass the first time i watched it, i was so sad💔i love wanda and vision, it breaks my heart when she loses him. the scarlet witch and the vision comics are some of my favorites. but omg thanos, a villain who truly believes that they’re right and not doing anything wrong is always the scariest to me. he’s playing “god” and saying his plan was basically a universal flood myth as if it was his personal duty to destroy civilizations to create balance. can’t wait for y’all to watch ant-man & the wasp and captain marvel!❤️


So thanos's own planet had overpopulation and they didnt have enough resources to survive and they died off. like, rn humanity can support 8 billion, but would we have the recourses to support 80 billion? and throughout the universe how many civilizations have more people than humanity but even less resources. the biggest thing was thanos had directly seen how overpopulation killed his people, and how gamorahs people were barley surviving and starving, but after he killed half of them they thrived and were happy. so you can disagree with him on whether its right or wrong, but his method has been proven to work atleast. Also fun fact, a decent amount of marvel fans kinda agree with thanos in a way

Tony Nav

if someone agrees to do a genocide then they are evil. end of story. seems like the marvel fans who agree with him probably didnt have the best education growing up, or any.