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HUGE thanks to everyone who encouraged this rewatch, because we loved it! We clearly missed a lot the first go around, and it felt vital to our understanding of the MCU as a whole. Also, we got to watch after Caleb and I had lived in Queens, so our hearts are full.

And a big petty >:( to the grump who booed us for rewatching. What's with ya. Change your attitude or face a public trial.





Micheal Keaton is great and i never saw Birdman but its so funny that he's playing another character that can fly. Really love that they focus on peter being a kid in these ones while Peter in the other ones was a young adult pretty much. Damn I can't wait to rewatch No way home again loved your reaction and didn't notice all the little things they pay homage to before but its so cool how they do that with the different movies and games.

Lorenzo Baxter

I'm super late to this but yeah I really like Tom Holland as Spider-Man. Tobey is my favorite, partly nostalgia but theres aspects of Tobey I just love (It'd be great if you could watch them at some point cause I'd love to gush lol 😆) The Vulture is a great villain here. Michael Keaton carries anything he's in, he's such a strong actor. Yeah he's wrong for selling weapons but he doesn't kill constantly, just that one asshole and it was even an accident. (Not that that's an excuse haha but still he doesn't revel in murder) But he's got hard core resentment after getting shafted by Tony (albeit unintentionally) so now he does his own business. But I can't really root against him cause he's not THAT bad a guy. Like he's no Ego, who literally tried to end the Universe 😅 Thor Ragnarok is up next! Don't forget that Loki is currently ruling Asgard from Dark World posing as Odin and we don't know where Odin actually is.