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Howdy y’all! Caleb and Sassy Yuna here. I just wanted to let you all now that I will be deleting any comments that are argumentative about our watch order for these movies. Please feel free to discuss the movies themselves, but several patrons and viewers recommended we watch Black Widow after Civil War, and we’re honestly so glad we did. We were also kindly warned to skip the post credits scene 😅

As of now, we do plan on watching the rest of the Infinity Saga in release order with the exception of Doctor Strange. We watched that movie very recently to prepare for No Way Home, so it’s still fresh in our brains. However, if people have recommendations for any changes, we are open to them. That’s one of the beautiful things about the Marvel Universe as a whole…all the movies are enjoyable. Different films attract different fans, and it’s all about having fun and enjoying a good story in the end. Just like with comics. If we switch things up here and there, we ask that you be open to it.

We appreciate your all’s love for this universe. It’s clear it means a lot to many of you, and we have learned SO MUCH reading your thoughts. We read all of them. Every single comment. Your input is extremely valuable to us. Thank you for being on this journey with us. Thank you for your time, your thoughts, and your support ❤️ we appreciate you more than we can say!

- Caleb



Kalle-Tapani Isomaa

So i guess i missed something (Not the reaction). Anyways i am glad you watched Black Widow right after Civil War. That movie actually works that way best. Rest is just best to watch in release order. Good thing that you were warned about end credits.

Joshua Rodriguez

I totally get people's apprehension, there are elements to the movie that won't be fully appreciated without the context of the other films. That being said, this movie clearly struck a chord and was appreciated for the story it told and that should be enough. Great reaction and post-discussion.