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Hi this is Meg. There have been a few comments about how "annoyed" or frustrated you are that I don't like Odin. I want to remind you all that my reactions are intense in the moment because of 1) my own lived experiences, and 2) because I'm watching the movie in real time, and I haven't seen any of the future films! And I'm seeing terms thrown around like apologist and racist and it's disheartening for me. I don't want to have to squash any feelings I have that support Loki, because that's doing a disservice to my content and honest reactions. I do not condone Loki's actions, and I feel like I've never once said "I'm glad he killed Coulson" or whatever, but he makes really good points about where he learned it from. To me, Odin is an awful father. And similar to a lot of other villain origin stories, it's clear to me how Loki got to where he is now. Part shitty dad, part his own actions. I think this is a clear "both things can be true" moment--however, if for example Odin does a crappy thing in the moment, my unfiltered reaction will be "I HATE HIM" along with me saying "I'll never forgive Loki if he kills Coulson." That initial feeling is not set in stone. I'd hope that the spontaneous, intense reactions, which are core parts of my personality, would at least offer good entertainment. I'd rather watch the entire series before reading paragraphs and paragraphs of people arguing with me and questioning my character because I can point out Odin's toxicity. I guess the point of this post is to let you all know that I'll probably have to take a step back from reading comments over here, which really sucks because I thought this could be a more intimate place to chat/provide feedback :( btw, any comments that are based in respect and more like "I respect your opinion, but also consider this" are not what I'm talking about. It's the condescending stuff that hurts my soul lol. Anyway, Caleb will pass along the nice messages, and we'll do our best to stay motivated and post for you all.


Shelby Waters

i love y’all so much and it makes me sad that yet again, toxic fandom energy has seeped its way into another person’s viewing experience. you are more than entitled to your opinions and feelings on your own channel. dark world is a really divisive film and odin is a divisive character, but that doesn’t warrant any of the hurtful things ppl have said. i’m so sorry you’re experiencing this💔

White Cattails

Support Meg~ She's presenting the the meaning and the essence of content creations !