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"That boy is mine" - Meg .2 seconds after seeing the Punisher

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Daredevil S2 x E1&2


Frankie H

It's kind of funny that Hell's Kitchen is depicted as a working class neighborhood when it's one of the most expensive areas in NYC. Maybe Marvel's NYC has diverged from our own, where working class people can still afford to live there. That's just me nitpicking. It's a great show, and I love that he freed to dog, and bandaged it.


I believe it's implied that the state of Hell's Kitchen is because of the aftermath of the "Incident." The alien destruction of whole swaths of New York threw the neighborhood into poverty in its wake. Then corrupt government officials and other criminal elements swooped in to take advantage of the situation, causing the area to continue to degenerate. The rich people who lived there most likely either moved out and/or further exploited the people there.


Yay! Loved y’all’s reaction, and really excited for y’all to see the rest of the season!