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This episode's theme is innocence and the color pink represents it. Holly's dressed in pink clothes. Holly and Jane both had rolled up towels placed behind them while laying on their side. Jane wore pink lipstick. There is a pink teddy bear on the mural in Jane's room which represents the fall from innocence, Jane's death, the passengers falling from the planes and more specifically the child that played with the bear while relating to Walt's family and even Jesse's soft spot for children. You could say Jane was originally innocent when she first met Jesse judging strictly off her 18th month chip. In the beginning of Phoenix there is a weathered pink teddy bear laying lifeless on the ground outside in that same episode Walt turns down his daughter's birth for instead a deal with Gus, trading and leaving behind the innocence of his child's birth for supplying more substance destroying the innocence of people like Jesse. Ted was there for her birth instead of Walt. In the beginning of the season Walt said he needed $737,000 for his family while the sound of a plane flew over him and Jesse. The plane that crashed was a boeing 737. Walt visiting the crack house made him aware of the impact he's making and what his actions are fueling and ultimately causing Jane's father Don to crash two planes into each other and the pink salmon sweater confirms that Walt is directly correlated to it all in one way or another


Hey Adonis, for some reason I can’t watch this episode on mobile…🤷🏽‍♂️