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Light Yagami

Hey I am new here so maybe I am missing something, how do I watch the video? All I see on my end is breaking bad_2_12

Light Yagami

Well I’m not on an app. Just safari on my phone. Maybe that’s the issue. I’ll try downloading the app


I would actually push back a bit on what you were saying about "setting up a type of environment in the home to where these things don't happen". I feel like that's not possible, you can definitely setup an environment to where it's UNLIKELY to happen, but not to where it's impossible to happen. Growing up I knew a lot of very christian households that sheltered their kids & never let them out of the house, but yet they still found a way to get into trouble (aka preacher's daughter stereotype). I would argue that the parents being so restrictive is what caused the child to go off the rails. Maybe you would argue for a different type of household / parenting? I'd be curious to know actually because I've thought about it recently, which type of parenting is best to avoid these sorts of things. I think for me I want to be an open minded parent who doesn't make my kid feel judged (because then they won't open up to you about the friends they hang out with after school or if they are tempted to do bad things) but then also I want to be "strict" in the sense that I would let them know "hey, if you do these things there are serious consequences that can make your life really suck". Idk, what are your thoughts?