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Hey everyone!! So Vimeo just hit me up saying that my “bandwidth” is too high for their normal business service. (Which i pay yearly for hosting)

They said that if I don’t switch to an enterprise account that they would terminate my account.

Definitely sounds like some bully tactics

And from what I’ve heard from other creators it’s up words of $2000 a month for that. 😳

So not sure what to do honestly, I have to find another hosting platform that can support the amount of people watching that isn’t breaking the bank to do, or have to adjust tier pricing to account for the cost. I honestly don’t know what to do.

But I technically only have 10 days to decide. And if so that means even if I move to another platform, I would have to get my content Off of Vimeo and re-uploaded to a new platform which could take days.

Talk to me guy what are you thoughts?


Ross Lerma

This happened to yaboyroshi as well. He went to streamable and now he’s doing some type of integrated video service with Patreon


Yeah YaBoyRoshi uses the built in video player for Patreon and it works well, maybe try that?


You got my support no matter what bro!

Wewak Waguk

Do what you can do bro this happen to another patreon i follow double dragon doing one piece so yeah i can wait


Honestly man, I’ll pay $10-$15 a month for your content. It’s worth it and I’ve been wanting to help more anyway. I don’t know of many platforms but onlyfans isn’t just for explicit content so maybe look into that?


You got my support as well man. I only have a Patreon cause of you. Don’t mind waiting a bit.


The “easier” option would be to just adjust tier pricing, I’ll speak for myself and say I’d support you either way. You could also try the integrated video player on Patreon, as everyone has already mentioned YaBoyRoshi that’s what he did

Jainand Patel

Suzylu ran into the same problem and she moved her patreon content over to her website and charges for the vip and posts there so you could look into that I guess

David M.

+1 for what others before have recommended (‘Streamable’). I’ve also seen some other content creators use Google drive. Not sure if there’s any catch except maybe storage limits?


I don’t mind if your raise the prices, support gonna be coming from me either way 💯


Yo Pls talk to @yaboyroshi same shit happened to him and he switched and everything


2000!? They crazy af. Let's bounce lol. But seriously though I only have patreon for you so I'll drop this stuff instantly.

Ross Lerma

There’s a limit per day on how many people can view the video with google drive I believe


ITS BS, yaboiroshi went through the same thing and they switched to a different platform that works well, I would suggest getting in contact with him via email or twitter to see if he could help you out.


well rn u are the lowest priced patreon that i'm supporting at the moment and tbh out of all of them i woudlve payed the most for urs lmao


You can honestly adjust the price. I would definitely pay more to keep watching your reactions


I will absolutely pay a higher amount as well. I love your content and reactions. Everyone is on the right note though, you should definitely reach out to yaboyroshi!


Streamable is a really good video hosting platform that can stream up to 4K quality, alot of reactors use it, such as Blindwave. I see alot of people recommending the patreon built in video player(which is invites only atm). My only problem with that is, since YaboyRoshi switched to it, all of his videos became 720p only. That isn't a problem for ppl watching from their phones but there are lots of us that watch from a PC on bigger screens and 720p looks ass on big PC screens. So unless patreon can provide you with at least 1080p I wouldn't take the offer, I know you are out after quality too Adonis :D


No worries bro. Do what you gotta do , niggas will still be here.


As others have suggested. Streamable seems like the way to go


I use streamable. I paid for vimeo before I heard about streamable. I really like is so far.


I’m not being negative in anyway cause I do support but he has to think about the people who would drop if the price increased. That number is a variable to consider if half the people leave but he doubles the price it evens out. I think most will stay cause otherwise why would they be here but you never know how much the average person is willing to spend.


just go streamable

Joey Sabishii

Same thing happened to heatah and hus bruh.. ask them for advice g .. I think they doing streamable or somethin


Firstly,in my opinion you should at least take a backup of your videos first and then move it to another platform like you can put a 1 hr or less video on Dailymotion and others too.....same thing happened with yaboyroshi & ruffsenpai and other creators too. My point is that you should shift to multiple platforms from on at least two like Dailymotion and Streamable. And I also demand the video in full hd from the platform as a creator or viewer cause many people watch from tv and I also honestly don't know about the the terms and conditions of these platforms and I know you are also for the quality Adonis Bro👍. Don't panic we are with you :D


Do whatever is best for you, and if that means moving to a new platform then so be it. I’ve been hearing good things about streamable, and of course backups are always a good idea. Just know you’ll have my support, regardless


No matter what you do you’ll always have my support coming up on 1 year watching you man! You’re the ONLY content creator I’ve stuck with for this long and you won’t lose me anytime soon I’d pay $50 a month if that meant I’d get to continue watching your content!


Ok bro been here since .... well almost day 1 I guess honestly what with the very earliest naruto reactions and all. Anyway there is so much of your content that I haven’t watched yet and so much more I want to rewatch. Do whatever you need to do but please try to save the content I’ll pay more or whatever but please try to keep it going a little longer before you move platforms cuz I have NO idea how you could save everything


I personally would be willing to pay a substantially higher price for a couple months to keep this patreon account going a little longer. But that might just be me. Thanks for the heads up and I really hope it works out. I’ll be following you anyway but please save at least some of the content


I mean if he’s got people like you willing to pay so much then he doesn’t have to worry about the people who would leave with the price increase.


Uuuuh not even 100% sure what your trying to say here bro.


Streamable not available in my country bruh and some other countries too

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Ayyyyyy I see a lot of my boi Roshi squad up in here bro 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but yeah bro what everyone here says bro it's the best option... Streamable is actually pretty legit not gonna lie bro


Addonis just say make us pay 10$ I don’t care if it goes up that much, I wouldn’t mind paying that if that helps my favorite content creator. I don’t want you to get off this platform I love your videos


Adjusting your pricing seems reasonable. I wouldn’t mind paying extra if it meant being able to watch your reactions as I’ve done so far. As of now it seems your pricing is the lowest one from other content creators. Your reactions are my favorite so I’ll definitely support regardless.


$2000 a month?! ....What the hell? You've gotta be kidding. Wow, Vimeo.


There's Google drive and other websites you can redo, if it take days then I would recommend you do so, no being lazy here please.


If you can't find a better option to host videos at a reasonable price maybe put up a poll to get a feel of how many people are willing to pay an increased price. It's definitely a tough situation. Usually the premium plans say "unlimited" but of course when you start passing their so called unlimited then they'll want more money.


I know a couple reactors that upload full reactions to youtube but make them private and only patrons can see it, not sure how that works though

Anthony Coley

I'm here with u whatever happens

Edens Brain

I dont know is this ok or not, but maybe u create a new youtube account and put all your reaction full time their but no screen no image only the time is there


I would pay $10 so another dollar or two means nothing if we're supporting our boy


I don't mind paying a couple of more dollars to support.


All these ppl saying they would pay this or that arent taking in consideration the hundreds of viewers that would just unsubscribe if he does do an increase. Do you want to make 2 extra bucks per person or lose 5$ completely and the views from hundreds..? I would say this bro split up your content into 2 patreon sites and charge 6 bucks total or 3 bucks for each site. You get the best of both worlds and you dont lose content or viewers. Plus ppl can pick and choose which content to watch and what to spend without affecting your pocket.