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Hey guys there has been some complaints the last 2 posts about videos not working properly. not sure what that is the case. I fixed those videos and they are working properly. Just so you guys have some insight, I moved my entire setup to  my best friends place here in LA and we produced our dance event last saturday. so i have been extremely busy with that event and this week has been hectic trying to get back on time with this crazy jet lag that kicked in days later. traveling back in time 17 hours is a very crazy process on your body. All I ask is for compassion and understanding. 

Secondly the posts here I will try better on getting them here in a quicker fashion just know that the internet here is slower than my internet back home so the uplaod times are extremely long. my last reaction for FMAB(just the upload not counting the processing on vimeo) took 2 1/2 hours the processing took about the same time. 

I hear your frustrations just know you're not more frustrated than me since it is my content that is taking forever or not working properly. So for those that think i don't care or that I don't check my content you couldn't be further from the truth. sometimes things just get throught the cracks and it just so happened that it had to be the past couple weeks due to the transition back to LA. but we should be solid now



You know what, you're trying your best for all of us, still uploading, still reacting, still putting in all you can, thanks man, just take your time and keep giving it your all, no matter what problems occur, we all appreciate it


AGREED Bro don’t listen to the haters they gonna hate, we all don’t sit wait for reactions y’all need a life my boy doing his best to give content to the fans an y’all bugging too much like Lay off man, keep up good work bro patience is a virtue 👌🏽


Dude you can't listen to them. I imagine you want to give us your best, but some people are never satisfied. Your reactions are what make me enjoy these anime even more. I'll say it now, I'll be a subscriber for life.

Devin House

Truth bro if people really enjoy your channel and your reactions then you should not have to apologise. If they're like me then they'll understand I watch your channel for the reaction and the enjoyment of these shows not how often you post them. Hell if you ever need to take a few days off then you do you brother. Love this channel and keep up the good work man.


FACTS WE GOTCHU, don’t let anyone tell ya diff, but I kno you don’t, keep it up bro take your time don’t rush do you! 👌🏽


And I do understand that this issue isn’t that big of a deal, but moving forward is there any chance we will have the chance to get the reactions here on Patreon either at the same time or before the youtuber reaction? I am only saying this because YouTube doesn’t pay anything we are paying. But this is just an opinion that I know works well for a lot of other reactors I support on Patreon. They either do stuff a week in advance for them or before. Again, not saying I will not support your content. I am just questioning how much longer I can


No worries! Some people may get mad but most people understand, keep up the good work, and good luck moving.


Dont stress, life happens!! :) no worries


Love your hard work !!