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By a mere 2 votes (where one voter reallocated his vote), Option 1 beat out the popular Option 4, the Jill Comic. With the current patronage I've received this month, we will be looking at 6 pages of Zoey in a VR setting.

Because Options 2 ("Hallucinations") and Option 4 (Jill Comic) were the next two popular votes, they will be exempt from becoming Exclusive Content comics. All of the other options are still fair game (two have actually entered production as Exclusive Content).

REGARDING EXCLUSIVE CONTENT... I will be modifying the monthly rewards to include these. Much like the monthly voting, I will have you guys weigh in on which EC content becomes Patron-available for the month. Still figuring out how it will work, so please be patient, though I'm probably going to be offering this to the $15 patrons.


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