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First and foremost, I will be taking a trip between July 28th and mid-August (probably the 9th). So, you will not hear from me between these dates. Due to this, I will be holding voting early this time around (NOT TODAY - probably the 24th or 25th).  Being that I will not be around, rewards will be coming in much later than usual. **REWARDS WILL BE DELAYED AND MAY NOT ARRIVE UNTIL AUGUST 15TH.**

The aforementioned changes in the title reflect changes that are going to be made to the Rewards. Don't worry, you're not losing anything; rather, you're gaining new rewards. I've had some feedback from the community and am going to try something different in how I release my content. They are as follows:

EARLY ACCESS: Patrons will now receive Baby Fat content BEFORE anyone else. Depending on your contribution, you may be receiving a certain amount of pages/updates before non-contributing viewers. These will all be percentage-based and integer-based (whichever number is higher is the amount of pages you will receive).

STAGGERED RELEASE DATES: Rather than release the comics/installations of Baby Fat as soon as they come out, I will be spacing them out evenly throughout the month. This way, your month is a little less quiet towards the end.

NEW REWARD MILESTONES: $1-pledging patrons may now vote again! $5-pledge rewards have returned as well! I will also be introducing the brand-new $15-pledge!

As I said, your current rewards have not been stripped in the slightest, only enhanced. Enjoy these new rewards and I'll see you come voting time!


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