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The October-voted extensions were released yesterday. Soon, the voting for November will begin, but first, I'd like to address a few changes.

First and foremost, the minimum on extensions was boosted. In a perfect world, I would charge $300 minimum for a basic 10-frame extension, as that's approximately how much it equates to over the time I take to complete them. However, I highly doubt anyone would pay for that, so for a while, I charged only $100. Because my work load is increasing, I felt the need to bump the price up to $125. This is still nowhere near where the price should be, so this is a completely fair adjustment. Should anybody be uncomfortable with this change, this is your opportunity to jump ship and retract your pledge. I will not think less of you if you choose to do so.

The second change is to the rewards. Most of the changes are minor. Rather than receiving a fixed adjustment to your votes, you will receive a boost. For example, before this change if you pledged $10, you would receive 12 votes; if you pledged $12 you would STILL receive 12 votes. Now, if you pledge $12, you will receive 14 votes, as the pledges are boosted throughout. I know this may be a little confusing to some, so read over your rewards to see if anything's changed (and, chances are they haven't as this only affects voters who voted slightly above their reward zone).

Third, and probably the most interesting change is to the series itself. XP is reaching that critical point where the file becomes CPU-intensive and prone to crashing (the exact reason why I cannot edit the original Baby Fat file). To remedy this, I will be starting a new installment of Baby Fat soon. I've been mulling it over which direction the games should take next, all of which include:

1) An installment leading directly off the GTS Arc (probably named XP 2 or something GTS-related).

2) An installment taking place back at Zoey's house, which was a fairly popular demand a couple months ago. (see http://tomez.deviantart.com/art/Baby-Fat-contest-More-than-she-could-chew-Anim-559162401)

3) An installment expanding on an arc from a previous game that was never completed (e.g. anything with a To Be Continued slapped on the end).

4) An all-new arc that takes place after XP (similar to how The Deep End took place after the Pantry Expansion).

I'll be deciding, ultimately, which path is taken, but if you'd like to leave a comment/suggestion/argument, I'd be more than willing to take a look at it.

Next, the matter of the rollover cash. I've decided to leave it up to a vote. In addition to your vote at the end of this month, you will also leave your suggestion on what should be done with the rollover cash. Current suggestions have included a prequel comic, an interquel comic (e.g. between The Deep End and XP), adding the cash to next month's vote, and adding a few frames to one of the voted extensions (e.g. adding endings to open-ended paths). Majority will decide what will be done with the cash.

Finally, the options for this month's voting will be as follows (DO NOT vote yet; voting will begin November 30th):

1) Factory A / the "Squelchee" Arc (continues from where Zoey accidentally swallows a tube of Squelchee syrup). Zoey, now bloated on Squelchee, continue with the tour group.

2) Factory B (continues from where Zoey and the player try to catch up with the tour group). Zoey and the player begin to explore the factory while trying to find the tour group.

3) The Jill Arc (continues from where Zoey introduces herself to Jill). Jill shares her complicated backstory with Zoey and the player.

4) Complex 1030a Arc (continues after Zoey tackles and swallows the female scientist). Zoey tries to other bottle of soda with unexpected results.

5) Giantess A Arc (continues after Zoey kills the power supply). The player gropes their way through the dark to find a light source while Giantess Zoey is on the loose.

6) Giantess B Arc (continues from the "Go Through Door" option after Zoey swallows the tour group). The player tries to escape the factory while Giantess Zoey rampages through the factory.

7) Giantess C Arc (continues from the cinematic where Zoey devours several people). The player watches Zoey wreak havoc as they look for an exit.

8) Giantess D Arc (continues from where the player exits out the side door of the factory). A brief arc where the player may or may not have escaped Zoey's clutches.

Thanks for taking the time to read through!



I know you said not to vote yet, but I do like the look of Complex 1030a Arc. :) Is B the one after you climb down the balcony?


Factory A (Squelchee Arc)


I was referring to giantess B btw :)


Giantess B is when the player takes the door instead of walking along the platform. Its after Zoey tries to grab you off the stairs.