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Last month, $58 was left over from the monthly allowance and was put aside for November's upcoming voting. This, in addition to whatever cash is raised for November, will be what we have to work with for December's extensions. Recently, some Tumblr fans of mine have expressed interest in a prequel series, in perhaps another format - say, a comic? My idea is to possibly put the excess $58 towards that. How does that sound? I will go with whatever majority rules. Leave your opinion/decision in this thread.



Doesnt really bother me whatever the decision. More content is more content.


I'd side with the guys advising caution about making Zoey too young. It sounds like it could be more trouble than it's worth. I would say just plow it back into the main game, use it to add a few more frames to flesh scenes out further.


I will like to see some new adds


Comic sounds like a nice change of pace for you, at least

Scott Fine

What would the prequels series be about?


I think its best to use the leftover cash for a sort of alternate ending timeline for the deep end. Like a continuation from either the vortex ending or maybe the food stand. Or just pump it back into XP for a few extra frames


Personally I'd prefer having it carry over. If you do decide to do a comic, maybe cover some gaps between installations, rather than make her any younger.


The opinions seem to be fairly inconsistent, so I'm probably just going to let the cash roll over. I'll have a more solid answer by Thanksgiving.


Either narrating Zoey's first experiences with vore (ages 12-14) or interquels between the Baby Fat episodes (e.g. days between the Pantry Expansion and the Deep End or the Deep End and XP).


I'd say carry it over. Better to take things one step at a time than try to get too ambitious.


I actually like the idea of a prequel comic


Comic seems nice :D

David Haring

Sounds alright to me.


Sounds decent to me, but how will you keep the prequel ( in which id assume Zoe would be at least a few years younger) from being too pervy? One of the attractions of the series is the fact that zoe is a very attractive predator, who is probably just old enough for grown men to consider


It would be cool if it continue in-between the main game updates as a filer.


This is something I discussed in a few posts on Tumblr recently. Someone wanted to see a "younger years" version of Baby Fat featuring Zoey at twelve, which I was like "WHOAAA! Slow down!" I would definitely like younger Zoey to not be sexualized in any manner, so I definitely share this sentiment. Someone had suggested that the POV would be from a friend of Zoey's, which I kinda liked. It's still a very early concept, so there's time to mix and match before anything is settled on.


AdjectiveNounCombo I'd love to see how she went from the pool after eating all the people and the life guard.