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It's almost that time! In roughly one week, voting for the upcoming Baby Fat extensions will take place. This post will explain to you, the patron, how to vote for your extension.

In the current edition of Baby Fat XP, there are four endings:

(1) Giantess Arc - Zoey will continue her rampage through the factory.

(2) Factory Arc A - A bloated Zoey and the player must catch up with the tour group.

(3) Factory Arc B - The tour group continues if Zoey skips the XPand sample.

(4) Jill Arc - Zoey and Jill's friendship takes off at the XPand Cola factory.

Each of these arcs are available to be voted on. When it is time to vote (should be around Nov. 1 - whenever I confirm that the payments have gone through), I will make a post. To vote, you simply need to comment on the thread with your vote choices and how many votes are going towards a specific extension. Next to each arc will be a brief description of what the arc will contain (kind of like the list above). In your comment, you may include a brief suggestion of what you would like to see happen. I can't guarantee that your suggestion will make it in, but I am always open to ideas.

If you have multiple votes, you can split your vote any way you choose (e.g. if you have three votes, you can vote 2 for the Giantess Arc extension and 1 for the Jill Arc). Whichever extensions get voted the highest will be worked on in the month of November.

Some arcs may cost more than others. The Giantess Arc, for example, may cost more than the other arcs because more advanced animation techniques are required (e.g. animating Zoey crashing through a wall or consuming multiple victims). If the total sum of the highest extensions voted is less than that of the monthly pledges, the difference will rollover for next month. In other words, if the monthly allowance is $350 and the top two votes are a $200 extension and a $100 extension, then $50 will go towards the allowance for next month.

Hopefully this wasn't too confusing!



3 votes Jill arc. 2 votes giant arc.


This is the instruction thread, not the voting thread. You also didnt specify which arc.


Out of curiosity, does how much we pledge factor into how many votes we have?


For the most part, 1 dollar equates to 1 vote. However, some pledges reward you by boosting your vote (e.g. $10 gives you 12 votes). Now, if you voted $11, this would only give you 11 votes (and $12 would equate to 12 votes). So, if you want 12 votes, only pledge $10, otherwise you're just pledging inefficiently. This was an oversight on my part that I'm going to fix before next month's voting.