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Hello, all. This is a big update, so strap in. Due to recent events in my life, I've decided that I'm going to discontinue my Patreon and art work indefinitely. My motivation has and stress levels have been at an all-time low and high, respectively. I've resolved to pick up a more conventional job and step away from the world of fetish content.

Here's what this means for everyone here.

1) I will finish Baby Fat and Serving Size in May.

2) I will finish Craving Control's "Sleepwalk" in May or June.

3) Once May has concluded, I will shut down/pause this Patreon.

4) All updates will be posted on my Twitter (@adjnouncombo), which will more than likely be shut down as well in June.

5) If you value any of my work, please go and download it NOW. I may be shutting down my galleries come June.

These past two years have been quite trying for me and, while this has been a rewarding career in many ways, it's become evident that this is no longer a sufficient lifestyle for me to maintain. I want to be as honest and forthcoming about this, as you've all allowed me to create wonderful content since 2015. This has been quite a ride and, even though ends are always bittersweet, I want everyone to look back on the body of work you've all helped me produced, knowing that you were part of the success. Thank you to you, my supporters, new and old, for the kind words and support. 



what about the baby fat game you were making? is that being canned?


You do what you need to for yourself. Frankly, nobody has any right to be mad if you shut it down right now for your well-being.


This sucks I really enjoyed your artwork but all the best to you and your upcoming adventures in life

Jetro barns

will the baby fat flash games still be available if you decide to shut down?