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Here are the first three pages of the Omed comic. You may notice Page 3 is unfinished.

There's a version of the file that has all of the inks on another hard drive. That hard drive is potentially inaccessible. Back in August you may remember that I used Patreon funds to buy a laptop. Two days ago, that same laptop took a short drop and is no longer functional. I tried pulling out the hard drive and booting that up on another computer, but it's not reading properly. I sent it to one of my buddies to look at, so until I hear a final verdict from him, I'm trying not to do double the work.

I'm currently using my older laptop, which is itself on its last legs. I'm looking to pick up a new device sometime in the next few months, so keep your fingers crossed that this laptop doesn't shit out.



silent observer

Zoey has found her people. Her younger self might of wanted to stay here, maybe.