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Here's page 3 of the "Island" Comics. The rest will be following suit within a few days. Here we have Zoey and Stella meeting some less-than-savory island folk who have a strange interest in Zoey's middle.

I'm releasing this page to all Patrons so that I have a chance to let everyone know how this new work schedule is going. This month, I've been adjusting to the new work schedule between this Patreon and my other jobs. So far, things have been running smoothly. If possible, I may drop prices slightly, to allow for more pages per month. We'll see how that goes. But for now, 4-5 pages per month is a very comfortable speed for me, and offers plenty of flexibility to work on other projects.

Because $1 patrons are receiving Page 3, Page 1 or Page 2 will be omitted from their second Early Access reveal.



silent observer

So Zoey likes eating tentacled creatures only when she doesn’t look or see it. Looks like she got a bit of a tan here as well.