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The 3-row page for this month. A few of these were Arthur sketches, hence why her size fluctuates a bit. I tried plumping her up to keep her more consistent, but there was only so much I could do without sacrificing Arthur's beautiful work.




That's wonderfully erotic! Lalia in a feeding frenzy!

silent observer

Lalia's lookin' awesome here! Particularly how she shovels that whole treat into her mouth from her bosom and eats it. That said, I never thought Lalia would do that to a child. It doesn't seem like her. Perhaps fame really is beginning to go to her head.


Where this one of your other comics then she would have stuffed the kid down her throat too! ;)


Lalia is on a see-food diet

silent observer

I just noticed Lalia's arm looks a little odd in the sixth panel. It all still looks great, but I just thought I would point that out.