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“Hey, could you go dig through that box in my parent’s room and find me that mirror real quick.” Your friend asks you. “There’s some site here that sells old crap like that, and last I looked at it seemed like it could be valuable.” You look at the site he’s on, and it seems credible enough. Things selling for hundreds of dollars, even thousands. “Sure, as long as you give me some of the earnings!” “Yeah yeah sure, just go get it.” And thus you scurry down to his parent’s room in search of this oh so valuable mirror.

Instead of making a mess in their room taking all of the stuff out of this box that’s stuffed to the brim, you instead elect to just bring the whole thing to your friend. “I’m not making a giant mess in your parent’s room.” You say bluntly as you put the box down in the middle of the room. “Now let's get searching!” You exclaim, lifting up your own spirits for this task.

Noticing that many of the items in the box seem to be rather valuable, you’re rather careful with them as you pull them out. All sorts of relics of a time prior to yours, but one item in particular doesn’t quite seem to conform to the rest. You’ve already found the mirror and given it to your buddy to take a look at, but this package, this outfit. It’s hypnotizing to look at. It seizes control of your body and mind, making you take it out of its package and strip down in order to put it on.

“What the fuck are you doing dude?” Your friend’s focus finally wavers from the website. You give no response, too obsessed with the outfit to even hear him. You find yourself sliding the thigh highs over your legs, they shrink your calves and feet, but do the opposite to your thighs. As you pull the pair of long socks up as high as you can, it makes your thighs grow even more plump and wide. “H~Hey, stop putting that stuff on…” Your buddy calls out again before he stands up to try and stop you himself. No use, some sort of overpowering strength prevents him from moving your arms as they prepare to slide the skirt on.

“Hnnnghhhh, just… stop!” He struggles fruitlessly as the skirt makes its way up your legs. As it crosses your thighs, and up to your hips, a moan escapes your lips. Signaling the loss of manhood between your legs. Not only that, but the skirt soon becomes rather useless at covering your behind due to your ass growing wide and full. It fits your thighs nicely, and complements your much wider hips, creating a peach shaped behind from the back. The last piece of the uniform is what appears to be a schoolgirl top, but based on what the previous clothes have done to you, your friend knows exactly what’s going to happen when you put it on.

Truthfully, seeing this happen to you right in front of him has been rather arousing. And his willpower and strength have left him after struggling to get you to stop. He can only watch as the top goes to cover your head and is lowered. Your face is covered for a moment, and when it reappears, it still resembles your face, except it’s as if your female doppelganger’s face was substituted in. Those little changes are all it takes, well, combined with your much longer hair, to make your look female from the shoulders up.

As if trying to create suspense, you lower the shirt slowly. Your upper body molds to the shirt’s will, becoming thinner and smaller in order to fit it perfectly. However, as you finally get it all the way on, it turns out that it won’t be fitting this nice for long. With a suspicious stretching sound, breasts begin to form under that rather tight uniform. Your nipples quickly rub against the fabric, making you acutely aware of their increased sensitivity as you suddenly snap back into full consciousness.

“What the hell?” You exclaim in a completely different voice. Examining your body head to toe, the only thing that hasn’t changed is that you’re still human. You’re barely given any time to process the situation as your tits have just started growing, with plenty more mass to gain. “How did this even ge~aahnn~t on me?” You ask through a moan elicited by your chest suddenly doubling in size, already stretching the fabric of the shirt. “You just started putting it on, I couldn’t stop you! I tried but…” Your friend explains, trying to balance his emotions in the heat of the moment. “But whaaa~” You’re interrupted again as you place your hands to your chest, feeling yet another surge in size and sensitivity build up in your very own hands. Their size is nothing sort of massive. While your ass is pretty big, it’s completely dwarfed by your ridiculously huge tits and giant areola.

“Fuucck… is it done now?” You mutter, out of breath. As if the clothes wanted the last laugh, your tits pack on another few cup sizes. What’s strange is that they feel so much heavier though. They were already weighty as is with their pure size, but this feels unnatural. You lift up the top to see what’s wrong with them, and just as you do, you notice a white liquid trickling from your nipples. Milk, of course. And it would appear you’ve got plenty of it. You try to use your hands to squeeze at your nipples, but it only makes them dribble a little faster. Noticing your friend giving you quite a stare, your desperation peaks. “Well… if you’re gonna stare, could you at least help?” Without question, he gets right to sucking away at your chest pillows, drinking up all he can. You don’t even consider taking the uniform off to see if you revert back to normal, but having your massive cow tits sucked on and drained feels too good to have anything else going on in your head.



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