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You never really played a whole lot of pokemon when you were growing up. Despite your parents actually being in a pretty good spot financially, they never spent more than a few bucks a year or games for you. Even though playing the few you had with your friends was a major part of your childhood. You couldn't do much about it as all of your friends around you talked about the newest pokemon games and how much fun they were having. Your only saving grace was your friend that also didn't play any of the pokemon games due to similar reasons as yourself.

Now that you're both much older, you decide to live out the youth you should've had over a decade ago. You both buy the game and respective console for said game, finally having the money to do so. You even took some dedicated time off to play the game for a while. Arriving back at your house, you and your friend sprint upstairs to your room and get straight to unboxing everything. It only took a few seconds with how excited you are. Luckily, the console is already charged a bit beforehand, but it's also pretty easy to charge while playing, so you plug in and boot it up.

You're both giddy with anticipation, finally able to participate in the phenomenon of pokemon. Your friend and yourself both choose a female character, and just like that, both of your games freeze up. "Is yours taking so long to load?" You ask your friend as he looks just as puzzled. "Yeah... uhm... I picked my character and it just froze on them." "We must've gotten scammed or something." You figure as you look back to your game and see that it's still stuck on that screen. From your seated positions, neither of you notice how much you've shrunk. Nearly a half a foot has been taken off of your stature, a little less for your friend. "Ugh... were gonna have to return this garbage. Maybe we should try another game to see if it's the console." He suggests as he gets up and stretches, causing you to notice how small and thin he looks. Even his face is nearly unrecognizable, looking strangely feminine and cute.

You look at your own arm, and you see how hairless and soft it is. Even more thin than before. "Dude, do I look, different to you?" You ask your friend as you stare at him, his face becoming indistinguishable from that of a girl's. "Y~yeah..." He stammers as he stares at the mirror behind him, seeing how thin and feminine he looks. "Th...the fuck is wrong with this game?" He asks frantically before trying to turn his console off. No luck, of course. You can feel a slight tingle on your back, explained by your friend's hair cascading down his back while yours ties itself into a ponytail.

Even though your friend is freaking out, something about the situation feels right to you. "Dude, say something, do something!" He shouts at you, only for you to do nothing but watch as your clothes shifted and reshaped to fit your smaller, danitier bodies. The outfits both perfectly matched the characters you chose. You sport shorts and a croptop while your friend gets a shirt and some black yoga pants. He continues to try and stop the game from doing whatever it's doing, His desperate attempts are finally stopped as you both let out a moan at the same time, similar, but distinct girly voices crying out in bliss as both your manhoods are relieved from the pressure of your tight clothes. This is feeling more and more right by the second, and it only gets better when you notice that you're finally filling out your shirt.

The sudden hit of pleasure seems to have pacified your friend a bit, and you notice that he seems to be getting a similar treatment to you. Just on his lower half instead. Your breaths become labored as your chest slowly gains mass, becoming proper breasts. You see your friend checking himself out the mirror, watching his ass stretch his yoga pants by the second. "Fuuuuuckkk..." He groans as he gropes his own rear, surprised at how much more sensitive his skin has become. "Why does it have to feel so... good.. mhmnn..." His ass continues go grow, big enough that his yoga pants are stretched to the point that they're a little see through. It doesn't help that neither of you were blessed with any sort of underwear, so his juicy lips are clearly visible through the tight fabric. By now your titties have gotten pretty big, enough for a handful, but still pretty easy to conceal with a baggy shirt. They still bulge out from your tight top though, giving you some very noticeable appeal.

"Ugh, you got so lucky!" You complain to your buddy. "I've got nothing in the trunk, just these boobs. I can't complain about them though, they feel so full and nice." "I've got the opposite problem, well, it's a problem that I have a pussy either way you cut it. But I don't wanna be flat!" He complains back as you both argue about who got it worse. The game seems to have heard your complaints, and the screens of both consoles suddenly shine incredibly bright. Your eyes both dart over to your own screens respectively, confused as to how this is happening. "I don't think you can turn it off now..." You murmur to your friend. "Yeah. I figured that out a while ago dipshit." He complains snarkily. Well, it's probably more accurate to call you both shes now.

The light suddenly directs itself to your ass and your friend's chest respectively. "Mmmooahhh..." you moan softly as the warmth begins to fill your ass with jiggly flesh. You find yourself with your hands on your knees, breathing heavily and shaking slightly as you can feel your butt getting heavier by the second. Your previously flat behind a thing of the past, replaced by quickly widening hips filled in by tree trunk thighs and a massive ass. Even as it reaches the rather large size of your friend's, it just keeps growing, arguably even faster.

Speaking of your friend, her chest is already much larger than yours. And strangely enough, she seems to be really enjoying it. She's cupping her chest, savoring every moment as the light and warmth pours mass into her tits. Her shirt slowly fails to cover her stomach, her tits lifting it up giving her easier access to the bottom of her massive chest. Both of your assets keep growing beyond huge, increasing their sensitivity with size as well. Your friend can already feel how good just her shirt is against her tits and clearly visible puffy nipples, and she seems to be very happy about it as she moans uncontrollably. You don't notice quite yet with your stationary position and your ripping short jeans not really covering much anymore.

When the light stops shining, a last surge of growth hits your ass and her tits, sending them jiggling and bouncing around with a large BLOOMPFH. As your friend's last change, you can see her nipples grow much larger than puffier almost looking a bit swollen. They must be nothing less than orgasmic though, with how ecstatic she is to watch them grow. For you, you get a more bottom-half oriented change. Your crotch suddenly ignites with a warmth and passion you've never quite felt before. Within seconds your pussy is leaking out from your jeans, covering and lubricating the insides of your thighs. You put a hand between your legs and under the tight jeans and feel how different your pussy is, how much fatter and puffy it is. If your pants were off, it would probably have a bit of visible bounce with each step.

Speaking of steps, when you take your first step after all is done,  your ass involuntary claps and jiggles. It's enough to almost force a moan out of your mouth. You'll have to endure this burst of pleasure with every step you take. And you'll also have to find a way to get your pussy to stop leaking, or at least find a way to hide your arousal. Plopping yourself down onto the couch to take everything in, an involuntary "AHHHHHNMMM~" is forced out from your lips as the impact on your ass alone causes you to cum. Even just readjusting yourself on the couch makes your ass rub against fabric, bringing you closer to yet another orgasm. Who knows, maybe you'll end up cumming your brains out if you a walk a little too fast. Your friend doesn't seem to be doing much better either. She already has her shirt off in an attempt to stop the constant pleasure of the shirt rubbing against her nipples, but even a light breeze turns her nipples from soft to incredibly erect and sensitive. You can only imagine what it would be like if she managed to get herself pregnant and full of milk...


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