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Sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87919805

Transcript: “Electric Magiks… hmmm.” You mutter to yourself, opening up the spellbook gifted to you by your instructor. You’ve been training the fundamentals for a while, and now that you’ve gotten good enough at storing up and releasing electric energy, your instructor has decided to give you said spellbook. He told you that you may bring it home, but you should only use it when you’re with him in order to not accidentally screw anything up.

Of course, you’re waaaay too excited about your ability to finally use magiks to listen to him. Plus, you’ve disobeyed him several times before, and nothing has gone wrong. All you want is to perform a simple spell to impress your instructor, and more importantly friends, next time you see them. Flipping through the pages (and disregarding the table of contents), you eventually find some spells that look like beginner spells. Simple stuff like, “Battery Charge”, and “Shock.” Battery Charge sounds like a great party trick, plus you’d never have to charge your phone again.

You harness your magical power, building it up to a level that you believe is sufficient. You grab your phone, and attempt to cast the spell. It’s simple instructions, right? Well, it looks like you didn’t gather enough power, as the spell did a whole lot of nothing. Apparently, you need to charge up a bit more. You focus real hard, and pull some more energy. Whatever’s happening, you definitely feel like you have enough now, but this feels like something else completely! You should have hit your limit for energy storage a long time ago, but it just keeps flowing. Similar to your hair that’s now light brown, long, and flowing behind you.

It feels like your entire body is charged, and the charge is only getting more powerful. You can’t believe how much energy you’re able to store right now! It’s almost as surprising as how your bra is able to fit your jiggling, growing breasts. It’s not long either until your female uniform’s top pops open, your tits breaking free, and continuing to ripple a bit larger before stopping. You notice that something’s not quite right, manifesting energy feels good, but never quite so… orgasmic…

You come back to focus on the real world and stop channeling energy. Immediately, you notice the large breasts hanging off your chest, along with the fact that you’re wearing a female outfit. You immediately react by grabbing at your breasts, accidentally sending electric energy running through them. Instead of being a painful shock, it instead makes your breasts feel swollen and tender. Suddenly, your waist cracks in. You wince in pain for a moment, before trying to figure out what’s going on with your body.

Swollen breasts, completely feminine face, smaller stature, thin waist, and now… larger hips? You look behind yourself to see your butt filling with more fat, with the light sound of pwob echoing with every pulse of mass added.  Your thighs aren’t left alone either, they follow your butt in thickening to match your much wider waist. You’re forced to spread your legs as your inner thighs begin to caress and crush your balls. You pant as you sit down and look at your cock poking out from the cloth of the uniform covering your crotch. Before you’re able to touch yourself, a churning is felt in your crotch area, signaling the forming of ovaries as your balls slip away. The moment you get your hand near your shaft to get one last jerk-off session in, it slurps inside of you as well.

You want to touch what you assume to be a fresh pussy between your own legs, but your breasts just feel so swollen and hurt so badly that you have to tend to them. You tug and pull and squeeze, but all that does is arouse you more. In a fit of desperation, you place your hands on your breasts again and funnel more energy in, not knowing exactly what it’ll do but praying that it’ll numb whatever is happening. To your surprise, it works! But it comes with the cost of white, thick milk pouring out of your nipples. You feel the pressure waning as more milk pours out, onto your uniform, onto yourself. You end up filling several bottles of your milk as to not make too much of a mess, but it's not enough. Hopefully you don’t have too much more milk in you, and hopefully your instructor will forgive you and help you not be an eternal milk factory…



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