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one of the three caps I will be uploading in rapid succession this week to make up for my laziness. Thank you all!

source: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6929967&tags=bondage+score%3A%3E150


Jaden had always had a habit of putting himself in incredibly risky scenarios for the thrill of it. Unfortunately, he could not purge this desire so easily. His family never had a ton of money, so no high-octane roller coasters or extreme sports for him. This led to him committing various social taboos in order to get that same thrill. Luckily for him, he was incredibly good at it, getting away with scandalous activity since middle school. However, Jaden could only ride the line of danger for so long before he slipped up.

Click. Click. Click. Jaden had become an expert at sneaking upskirt pictures of girls between classes. The hallways were packed enough for him to get close to the girls without being noticed. He felt a surge of adrenaline whenever someone noticed that he had his phone out in a compromising position, but he never got caught. At least, he thought he never did.

“Ughh…” Jaden muttered, scrolling through his phone as the teacher droned on about random dates and names. He couldn’t pay attention in class anymore after dosing adrenaline during every passing period. To him it feels like he’s just waiting through this boring nonsense to get his next hit. Jaden pulls at his collar, feeling it being a bit tighter than usual. In fact, all of his clothes feel strangely tight, like they’ve all gone down a size overnight. Upon closer inspection, he can’t believe his eyes when he sees phantom ropes wrapping around his body. They’re not physically there, but they seem to be getting less transparent and more corporeal by the moment.

Jaden attempts to stand up to get to a more private place, but his adrenaline spikes once again as the phantom bindings around his legs become very real, tying his thighs and calves together on each leg. He looks down at the ties to see that his pants are gone, replaced by a pair of long socks and a skirt from the girl’s uniform. His legs look unnaturally smooth and much pudgier than usual, but when he tries to touch them his hands and arms snap back behind him, more of the rope becoming real.

His adrenaline spikes even higher than before as he’s sure some of his fellow students have noticed. As Jaden continues to struggle, a rope pleasurably crushes his waist, caving it in, and giving the rest of his body a feminine form as well. He struggles not to moan, but the ropes solve that for him as a cloth gag is tied around his head leaving him unable to speak. His brown hair cascades down his head while his entire face gains a cute and girly look that is not reflected by his rotten inside.

His male uniform top promptly becomes female as more ropes materialize around his chest, soon to become useful as fat begins to build behind his nipples. With enough struggling and stumbling Jaden manages to find himself on top of the desk, displaying his feminization to the entire class. He can’t deny that it feels so so good to be embarrassed, to be finally caught. Deep down, Jaden loves it as all the other boys in his class watch his breasts get larger and larger, the ropes tied and tightened perfectly to make them nearly pop out of his uniform.

Of course, such a dastardly individual shall have no release. The last rope wraps around his crotch, shrinking his dick into oblivion and wedging itself between her new pussy lips through her panties. Completely tied up and completely a girl, her classmates took pictures of her lewd body all tied up, coming up with new names for the girl. A few of the boys were directed by the one who cursed Jaden to grope her breasts and ass after her transformation, and that they did. Each touch and grab turned her on and made her even more horny, but the boys had explicit orders to never let her cum, to leave her on edge as long as possible~



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