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“God, why is everything so tight…” Draven mutters to himself. He’s been thin, but never above nor below average. Apparently, that has changed recently. Clothes that used to be a perfect fit are just not quite enough anymore. “I don’t know why my body decided to grow an inch or why I decided to buy pizzas every week, but I guess this is what I have coming.” he says. He’s confident that he will be able to lose the extra weight, he’s never had a problem with it before and all of this eating recently has just been a bad habit. For now though, he needs at least some new clothes. Everything being a little too short or small won’t cut it for picking up ladies.

Naturally, being thrifty, Draven looks around in his local area for any rummage sales. Despite being oddly picky with his clothing, he always manages to find the gems hidden in the rough at these sales. He finds a couple in his area, not a long drive for any of them. Should be able to knock all of them out and get the clothes that he needs, luck permitting.

After slipping a few 20’s in his wallet, Draven hops in his car to check out the nearest sale. Unfortunately, there is no sale despite it being listed, so Draven marks the sale as not there and moves on. Second one, same situation. Thank goodness he has his route all planned already so as to not waste any more time than he already is. Luckily, the third shows promise. “A sign, Rummage…. Sale…. Finally!” he nearly shouts as he finally gets to a rummage sale that’s actually happening.

He pulls up next to the house and gets out of his car, looking around the area, only to only see one person. One, very, very attractive person. “HaiiiiiiiI!” the woman calls out to him. “I haven’t had many people come around today, are you looking for anything specific?”

“Uhmmm, have any clothes for men, around medium size?” Draven inquires, nervous from the woman’s elegant appearance.

“Mmmm hmm!” she hums, signaling Draven to come to a specific table she has set out. “All of this is from my previous husband, wasn’t that great of a guy.” Her voice sounded a bit dejected in the second half of her sentence, Draven notices. He decides not to probe any further and just look through the clothes. Usually he has to look pretty hard to find some decent clothes to buy, but this is gold! All of the clothes are medium sized, and they look to be right around his size, if not just a little larger.

“Can I try on one of these shirts real quick? Just want to make sure.” Draven asks.

“Sure honey, I have some more stuff inside as well if that fits.” She affirms. Draven puts the shirt on over what he’s already wearing. The fit is as close to perfect as one could get from a rummage sale. “Wow, this fits great! Thank you! How much?”

“Ahhhhhmmm… you can just take it dear. I don’t really want any of his stuff anymore.” She responds. “Now, let me show you the rest of what I have!” Draven hesitates to follow the woman into her house, but somewhere in the back of his mind he believes this will lead to some sort of porn-plot situation, and happily walks in.

“I keep the rest of the stuff up here in my room. Don’t be scared to come with~” she says, strangely seductively. Draven’s heart beats out of his chest, is this really happening? The recently divorced milf looking for a new, younger partner? Nevertheless, he follows her to her room without a second thought. She brings out a box of clothes, and pulls out a pair of pants. “Do these look to your liking, dear?” She asks.

“Uhmmm… ahhhh… yeah, it looks good.” Draven says hesitantly.

“Would you like to try them on?”

“Sure?” Not knowing what’s really going to happen next, the woman struts up to him and whispers in his ear.

“Here darling, let me help you. You can call me Sarah, by the way.”

Springing a near instant erection from Sarah’s words, she gently slides off his sweatpants and comments on it. “Ooohhh, what’s what?” she coos in a ditsy sounding voice, two fingers caressing the bulge in his boxers. Draven doesn’t decline her advances at all, too stunned to do anything about it as she slides down his boxers next. Now fully embarrassed, Draven is helpless as Sarah lightly pushes him down onto her bed, taking off the shirt he just put on as well.

Draven considers protesting, but by now he’s thinking with the wrong head. Sarah sheds her outer layer of clothing, leaving her with her yoga pants and sports bra, her already large chest accentuated by said bra. She crouches down to get on head level with Draven’s manhood, looking a bit a flustered as she stares.

Eventually, she overcomes her relative sexual inexperience and places her soft lips on the head of Draven’s cock. She licks his shaft lightly before she slides the rod into her mouth. Despite her inexperience, Draven is astounded by her skill. The sensation of her tongue combined with the warm wetness of her mouth makes for an experience leagues better than simple masturbation. Sarah bobs her head up and down rhythmically, increasing in speed to bring the moaning and groaning Draven closer to orgasm. The light sound of “Ghhhmm… hhhhghkk…” coming from Sarah only adds to the experience. She notices that Draven is dangerously close to reaching his climax, and decides that it’s about time for her to stop. “Whaaa…” Draven sputters in confusion, why did she stop?

“Nuh uh, not yet dear. I still have some clothes for you to try on.” She taunts with much confidence as she slides off her yoga pants. “Here, if you can be a good boy for me and put these on, I’ll let you cum.” She continues as she removes her bra as well, her voluminous, slightly sagging breasts putting Draven in a trance.

“You mean… those clothes?” He asks in confusion, those will never fit on someone like him, that makes no sense.

“Yes sweetie, just put these on me. You want clothes that fit, right? These will fit perfectly. I promise.”

Draven takes the warm clothes from her, slightly disgusted, but unable to deny their arousing scent. He contemplates for a moment, but Sarah’s curvaceous body eventually convinces him. “Christ, my dick takes me places I wouldn’t go with a loaded gun…” he mutters as he slides the bra over his head and puts his arms through the holes. To no one’s surprise, it’s an awful fit. “Halfway there, I guess.” he thinks as he begins to pull the yoga pants over his legs. Surprisingly enough, they manage to make it all the way up his legs and up to his navel. Given they are tight, and his still erect member is rather constrained.

“Good boy~” Sarah coos as makes her way closer to Draven once again. “Look at you, so allured by wearing a woman’s clothing. I think you look rather cute in my clothes, don’t you think?” Draven, of course, does not think so. But he doesn’t say anything as Sarah mounts on top of him, rubbing her crotch against his bulge through the yoga pants. Looking at her slightly opened eyes, Draven notices that they’re brown. He could have sworn that she had bright blue eyes, and that doesn’t even cover why her hair looks so brown, and so much shorter. It feels like reality is melting around him as he pats at his own silky smooth, long hair.

Draven tries to get up to figure out what's going on, but Sarah pins him down to bed and locks him into a french kiss, her soft breasts pressing against his chest, but separated by the sports bra. Draven moans into her mouth trying to get a word in, to no avail. She has a surprising amount of strength over him, and soon enough he stops trying to resist. Free to use her arms again, Sarah caresses Draven’s chest. She pokes at it, noticing a bit of squish. “Ooooh, I was right about you being cute in these clothes.” she coos as she breaks the kiss to give Draven a full idea of what is happening to him. “I think you should have started thinking with your head when you noticed that those yoga pants managed to fit on you.” She says while Draven tries desperately to remove the clothes with no success. “No use, those won’t come off until they’re done. Until they do, let's try to enjoy it~” Her voice deepens in pitch with each sentence she speaks.

“No.. no no no! You, you stop this!” Draven pleads in the feminine, sultry voice that Sarah had just moments ago. “The fuck! Shit shit shit!” He continues embarrassing himself as he tries to find a way out of the situation. Suddenly, a wave of heat hits him. Paralyzed with lust, Draven is ready to accept his fate, as long as the half-woman in front of him satisfies his desires.

“So many profanities…” Sarah says with disappointment in her masculine voice. She pushes Draven back onto the bed and places her ass on top of his face. “Your turn, honey.”

Draven fulfills his duty, immediately licking her dripping slit. Making sure to tickle her clit with her tongue, he mindlessly eats Sarah out. Apparently, this is working to rid of his horniness as the straining in his yoga pants lessen with each lap of his tongue. Draven can barely comprehend what’s happening when Sarah eventually gets off his face, now having a similar sized dick to his. Well, the dick he used to have. The horniness never actually went away, it just relocated to a different stop on his groin, a spot that fresh pussy now occupied.

Now looking like a man with tits, Sarah pulls down Dravens yoga pants to confirm that her plan has worked. “Please… help me…” Draven croaks in her faint voice, pleading for release from her arousal. Sarah is happy to oblige, he needs to get rid of the rest of his lower body fat and tits anyways.

Rubbing his dick against Draven’s begging pussy lips, she adjusts to new sex organ. “Aahhnmmm~” Draven moans as Sarah’s entire shaft gently plunges into her pussy. She can feel the dick inside her, pushing apart her vaginal walls and flooding her brain with pleasure. With each thrust, her still growing tits jiggle in her bra. Her hard nipples rubbing against the fabric only serves to further push her into the deep pits of orgasmic pleasure.

Sarah pounds Draven’s pussy harder and harder with each thrust, pumping his own fat into Draven’s ass and thighs. The slapping sound grows louder as Draven’s bottom gains all of Sarah’s mass, growing into a round, peach shaped bottom with adequately thick thighs to match. “AHHNNHMM AHHNNHMM AHHNNHMM~” Draven moans rapidly as she reaches climax from Sarahs rough fucking. Sarah succumbs to orgasm as well, pumping his seed into Draven’s now fertile womb.

“Oh my god, this is so much better.” Sarah says, out of breath. “Those damn tits were too much for me, and having to keep up this soft act. I much prefer this body.” She looks down at Draven, well, Draven in Sarah's previous body. She looks at her pussy leaking cum, her huge breasts nearly falling out of the bra. “Well… I guess I have to take responsibility for my actions, don’t I?”

A Few Hours Later…

Draven wakes up from her pleasure induced slumber, slowly being brought back to reality. She sees her own body in front of her, or what used to be her body. “Hey, I did what I could to tidy you up. I guess I have to take responsibility for cumming inside. So, unless you don’t want me to. I’ll be here to support you.” Sarah offers. Draven can’t deny that it was a fantasy of hers to become a woman, but this wasn’t what she expected.

She stands up, still slightly dazed, barely managing to keep her balance with the heavy tits hanging off her chest. They feel strangely tender. She pokes at her nipples from curiosity, and her bra suddenly has some growing wet spots on it. “W~what? Milk? Already?” she says, shocked. “Sorry about that, runs in the family, haha… ha…” Sarah responds awkwardly. Body swapped with a milf and impregnated by her own body, Draven guesses that there’s worse things that could happen. She figured that she wanted a family eventually as well. Maybe past having to deal with these swollen jugs, it wouldn’t turn out so bad.



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