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Eric happened to not have much planned for the evening. However, that urge to just go out and do something seemed to jump out at him from nowhere. Thinking about what he could do to not be cooped up for the night, a certain location popped into his mind. A small beach that isn’t too far away from his apartment, a beach that isn’t on google maps or anything so people generally aren’t aware of its existence. The location is, in general, unmarked, but Eric has never gotten in any sort of trouble for being there. Police just tend to cruise on by.

He got on his bike and rode down, only about 5 minutes by bike since he’s pretty damn good at it. He only comes with his keys and his phone, nothing else he would really need besides his phone’s built-in flashlight for when it gets dark. Eric slips off his shoes and socks and steps into the soft sand. He knows that many people aren’t a fan of the beach because of the sand, but the tiny grains creating a smooth gentle sensation always seems to calm him down.

It’s about as tranquil as it can get. No one else in sight, just himself and the falling sunset. Admittedly, Eric is not that much of an outdoors person. He really prefers the inside to out, but he figured that this random spur of wanting to live life could not be a bad thing for him. He treads through the water, throws a few stones, inspects a couple shells, all while watching the sun fall lower and lower past the horizon.

Before too long, the warm light fades, replaced by the moon’s glow. Eric wades through the water, shimmering faintly with the reflection of the moon. Eventually, the water gets a tad too chilly. He retreats to the slight warmth of the sand to dry off. “To hell with it…” Eric whispers as he takes off his wet clothes, leaving him completely nude. He figures that since no one is here and no one has probably been here in the past week, he should be fine.

Luckily for him, he’s correct. After another ten or so minutes of walking, no one else lays their eyes upon his unclothed body. Weirdly enough, he sort of feels a gaze upon him, but upon closer inspection no one is there. Another stroke of luck, Eric nearly trips over some dry fabric, fabric that turns out to be dry clothes. Finally, he can break the strange feeling of someone watching him while he's naked. He holds up the shirt to his chest, it looks to be several sizes too small for him. Same with the pants, some sort of short shorts with jean material. His entire face fills with warmth and redness when he grabs at what appears to be a woman’s undergarments.

“What the fuuuu…” he says out loud, quickly dropping the wrong-gendered clothes back onto the sand. Getting caught naked would be better than being caught wearing some girl’s clothes. He decides to fold them up, bra and panties wrapped up by the shirt and pants just in case that creeping suspicion of someone being around isn’t just a suspicion. Eric begins walking back, hoping that the clothes he left by his bike are dried off enough for him to ride home now. The strange feeling only seems to grow as he gets closer to where he started, leading to him constantly checking behind himself only to see his own footprints.

With his eyes on his bike, he gets closer only to notice that the clothes he left to dry are gone. Quickly checking around him, there’s still no one to be found. “God damn it…” he mutters, “who the hell would steal my clothes and not my bike that I just left here?” At this point, just wanting to get home, he evaluates his choices. His apartment is in a fairly populated area and police are out at night, there's a solid choice he would get some sort of indecent exposure charge. Wait for the morning? No, that’d do nothing, plus, someone is in the area. Getting going sooner than later would probably be a good idea. Eric lets out a long sigh and holds the short shorts in front of him. “If I fucking have to.” he groans, praying no one is up late enough to see him like this.

With great hesitation, Eric slides the shorts over his legs. He expects them to not even be close to fitting, but they slide on quite nicely, only being constricting around his crotch area. Looking at his legs, they seem to be much smaller than usual. His thighs barely even fill out the jeans. His brain quickly kicks into panic mode and tries to get them off. They don’t even budge. “Some sort of curse now? Get this shit off me!” he shouts out. For Eric though, it’s far too late. He kicks his slender legs and dainty feet around only to have the crop-top fly over his head and find its way around his arms and chest. His upper body suffers the same fate as his lower. Eric’s hands thin down, his nails grow out longer and match his long, feminine fingers. His arms, shoulders, and chest lose a majority of their muscle mass, fading into a weak and soft looking upper half. His dream of having abs is also robbed from him as his nearly visible abs are reduced to nothing, covered by a layer of soft fat. He lets out a short, cutsey, “Ahhhh~” as his neck crunches down smaller, vocal cords adjusting to produce a higher tone.

Unknown to him, his face also changed after the crop-top took his body hostage. The entire structure of his head morphed into something smaller, more fitting of his dainty body. His jawline looks soft now, his nose a tad smaller, his eyelashes slightly longer and his cheeks a little more plump. While not looking super girly, he still looks much more gender-neutral now. The one part he does notice though is the light tickling on his back. His previously black hair, now turned a light blonde, cascades down his shoulders and onto his chest and back. He grabs at it, feeling how silky smooth it is, almost like lavender.

To Eric’s horror, the strain in the shorts starts to fade. He gropes at his crotch and discovers the worst, his dick is shrinking away before his very eyes. Any doubts he had are cleared, these clothes are turning him into a girl. He presses against the jeans to try and locate any remaining part of his cock, only to feel a foreign new sensation under where his manhood used to be. Before she’s able to process her new gender, Eric picks up on some rustling in the leaves. “Shit… I knew it.” she thinks to herself, not wanting to use her now female voice.

“You know, there is a price to pay for coming here.” the figure says from the shadows.

“Come on, just leave me alone. I just wanted to go on a walk!” Eric shouts out, embarrassed by his own words

The figure approaches her. Her scurrying back does nothing more than slightly delay the inevitable. The moonlight reveals the threatening individual. A man… no… a woman, a rather tall woman, definitely a woman. Her breasts are clearly visible with her being completely naked, but no… what is… is that?

“Haven’t seen anything like me before, have you little one?” she inquires, knowing the answer. Eric gazes in fear at her throbbing erection.

“No no no…. Wait… please! That’s a strap on or something, right?”

“All real, baby.” she responds with a hint of sadism in her voice. Fear strikes down any hope of escape Eric has. The woman gets right up next to her and presses her cock against Eric's lips. “I think Erica would suit you better, easy, yes?” The woman clearly had this planned for Erica, a new name and everything. The moment Erica tries to open her mouth to protest, the woman shoves her cock inside her mouth. Instinctually, Erica attempts to bite down, but her jaw won’t move. In fact, her entire mouth seems to know exactly what it’s doing to pleasure the throbbing rod to the maximum. The woman grabs Erica’s hair and forces her cock deeper down her throat. Erica’s tongue naturally wraps around and pleasures the shaft of the member while the tip presses against the back of her throat.

“Just like I wanted.” the woman says as she increases the tempo of her throat-fucking from a gentle pace to something much more aggressive. She shoves Erica’s head up and down on her cock, slight gagging sounds accompanying how deep it goes down her throat. Wanting to feel disgusted, but instead feeling aroused, Erica feels the urge to tickle the tingling in her crotch. She slips her right hand under the shorts and finds her wet begging clit, using two fingers to tease it sensually while her head bobs back and forth on the woman's dick. Erica’s lips plump up bit by bit with each ramming of the cock in her mouth, in fact, her entire face looks much more feminine. More clearly female now with plump dick sucking lips and completely soft structure.

Suddenly, the woman shoves Erica’s head down on her member further than she ever has before and holds it there. With a slight pulsing sensation in her mouth, an audible “Ghhhkkk, mphh, ghhhkmmm~” can be heard from Erica as she swallows spurt after spurt of hot cum. Erica soon discovers that this is no normal cumshot, it tastes oddly sweet, and just won’t stop pouring down her throat. Her chest feels a bit puffy, and her shorts start to feel tight again. Once she realizes that her body is gaining the curves that it didn’t previously have, she tries to stop swallowing, but the woman only forces her cock deeper when Erica resists.

The panties from earlier sneak their way around her legs and cradle her growing asscheeks. Her hips widen considerably to give space for her thighs to grow as well while also giving her a more curvy look. Her thighs gurgle full, leaving a thigh gap behind. Through the gap, part of her round behind can be seen. Her plush ass pushes against the shorts and stops at a curvy, but cute size. Her now erect and larger nipples are next with another load of cum consumed. Erica continues to gag to no avail, forced to swallow yet again. The bra wraps around her chest, a bit loose, but not for long. Her chest inflates slowly, starting as just little bee stings. Soon enough, Erica’s chest grows into fully formed breasts, filling out the bra.

“Aaaahhnggg, aaahhh, hhaa~” The woman harshly removes the cock from Erica’s mouth leaving her gasping for air and drooling a mix of saliva and cum with her tongue stuck out. “Oh my skies, you look pathetic.” the woman comments on her ravaged appearance while Erica desperately tries to finish herself off. “I really didn’t cum that much, look at you. Not my finest work.” Not really listening, Erica finally achieves climax, her eyes rolling back in her head from the pure pulsating pleasure, the woman looking on in disgust. Erica suddenly realizes the graveness of the situation once again as the towering woman gets right up next to her again. Erica stares at the woman. “What? Do you want me to force my cock in your mouth again? Or would you rather have it in your pussy?” She says as she turns her back and struts away.

Erica attempts to call out to the woman, to ask why her, who she was. But no words come out. The woman simply leaves her how she is, a mess, a petite, flat mess. Erica chases after the woman, but she disappears into the night before she can catch up. She decides that it’s no help to just sit and mull over her fate, the best course of action is to just bike home now. At least she has clothes now.


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