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Three Voyagers aligned, W. E. A. L. T. H. Spelled out within 60 seconds of each other. They are all excited to be presented with the world of wealth ahead of them, interested in what the two others they were told about have to do with it. Maybe they have to share their wealth, that wouldn’t make sense. If they have near infinite wealth they’d just split it three ways and go on with their lives. For all three of them, Aresud, Kai, and Jackal, reality soon began to falter once they solved the puzzle.

When the ground returns beneath their feet, they each notice that two people are next to them. Kai looks around to see two other guys next to him, the other guys doing the same, becoming confused with what is happening. “Uhhhhh… you guys went to that forest, right?” Kai asks the two other people.

One nods, the other lets out a slight, “Mhmmmm.”

“And you all solved the wealth puzzle in that weird void right?”

“Yeah, and those weird voices told me that there were two others who solved it at the same time.” Jackal responded.

“Well, I’m Aresud.” one of them spoke up. The three Voyagers exchanged names and short bits about themselves, becoming acquainted. They observed the room around them, it seemed to be a sort of fancy bedroom straight out of a mansion, lit by warm red lights. Eventually, they split up to explore the place. It seems to be nothing dangerous, just a lavish building like they were promised from their wealth.

“Jesus, this place is fuckin huge…” Jackal mutters as he walks through at least the twelfth large decadent room. He naturally pulls up his loose pants, pants that no longer fit his smaller frame. As the others wander through the rooms, their bodies change to fit Jackal’s. Their heights decline to below average 5’3 exactly, their petite frames uniform. They couldn’t notice what was happening as they’ve already split up. As they continue to stroll, their skin lightens and softens into a hairless creamy white. Their unsightly bodily hair recedes into nothing, completing their feminine structure.

“I don’t remember the clothes I bought being this big…” Kai says to himself as he fumbles with his baggy clothing. He takes a closer look at his arm and sees how thin and pale it looks. He takes one of his dainty hands and runs it down his arm, feeling the smooth soft skin. Kai inspects the rest of his body and notices how unnaturally small, how any excess body hair or fat is just… gone. His panic begins to grow as he remembers what the voices said. “No one who enters this place leaves the same.”

Aresud’s concern grows, noticing the satanic imagery around the mansion. Soon noticing his own body changing. He can distinctly feel his nipples brush against his loose shirt as he moves. Putting his hands on his chest, he presses down, his hands slightly squishing the layer of flesh on his chest. They gently growing mounds tent up his loose fitting t-shirt as he continues to poke and prod inquisitively. “Haah… mhmmm…” his breaths heave, each exhale rising in octaves and sounding cuter.

He looks into the full body mirror in the room, shocked at the appearance of his own body and face. Normally, he would be standing head above the mirror. But now, there's a good few inches of emptiness above his head. His head is covered in white hair, silky, white locks. His pearly crimson eyes open up wide in surprise as he observes the rest of his face. He pinches at his rounded flushed cheeks and runs his fingers across his plump pink lips.

Jackal, in pure panic, runs across the mansion, his breasts bouncing and weighing down on his chest as he runs. His nipples rub against his shirt and start to hurt a bit from the rough treatment. He stops his sprinting to catch his breath in place, unable to ignore the cutesy sound of his own breathing. “Aaahh, haahh, God… what is wrong with this place…” Jackal says breathless before getting to relieving his perky breasts of the cloth covering them. He lifts up his shirt and his tits plop out and slap against his chest, fitting the rest of his feminine body.

After staring at his tits for a bit, he notices that his pants aren’t quite as loose on him anymore. Jackal places his hands on his hips, noticing an abnormal distance between his hands, leaving plenty of room for growth. It isn’t long before his butt begins to press against his previously loose pants. The cheeks gurgle and fill full of muscle and soft fat, expanding greatly and stretching the seams of his clothing. His thighs followed, jiggling into full soft pillows tearing the threads of his clothing. Jackal sinks his hands into his squishy ass constricted by his tight pants and undergarments, squeezing his raging erection. His ass continues growing larger into a loud *RIIIPPPPP* tears out through the air.

The same is true for all three of the Voyagers, their now massive peach shaped behinds bursting through their constraints. Kai, in specific, can’t help but give into the pleasure of his changing body. “Fuuuckkkk… why is this… sooooo GOOOOODD!” Kai moans as he wraps his dainty hands around his precum lubed cock and starts stroking. The feeling of his soft female hands playing with his erection is otherworldly. Lewd thoughts flood into his mind, letting men cum on her tits, sliding their dicks between her massive asscheeks, penetrating her pleading… pussy?

Kai plunges her fingers into her begging vagina, dripping with lust. “AHHHNNNNMMMMM” all three of the now girls cry at once. Jackal and Aresud are bent over in pleasure on the floor, trying to figure out what caused the sudden inversion of their genitals along with the volcano of pleasure erupting from their crotches. All three feel a tingling on the bottom of their spines combined with the coursing ecstasy, pitch black pointed tails whipping out behind each of them. Kai’s instinctually commands her tail to poke and tease her clit, including a face of pure orgasmic bliss upon all of their faces involuntarily. Cute ears pop out on top of each of their heads moments before a shared erupting climax. Girlcum sprays out of all of their pussies, despite only one of them actually masturbating, dripping onto the floor.

The three Voyagers are left stunned in the afterglow for a moment, their breasts and vaginas still warm and buzzing. Eventually, they all muster their strength and for some reason all feel the need to go back to the room they started in at the same time.

Somehow, they all make it back without help at the same time. Most likely related to the lewd thoughts projected into their minds. “Hiiiiii!” three of the same voices call out at the same time. Their doubts about their transformations have been… quelled… by the voices with the lewd thoughts projected into them leaving them ready to accept their new girly fates. They all decide on the same slutty, alluring outfits. Black thigh thighs, tight fitting cameltoe revealing panties, frilly black and white bras, and matching headbands to hold back their glistening locks.

With their new wealth, they may do anything they want, but always together. And material wealth isn’t the only thing that they possess, a wealth of pleasure and lust is a bountiful one for the three girls. Constantly seduced by each other, and with any erotic touches being refelcted onto all of them, going a day without cumming will be nigh impossible…


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