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Kai recently heard a lot of praise about One Punch Man. He thought that the idea of the show was stupid, like many others. How could a show that entirely revolves around someone who can literally win any fight in one punch be at all interesting? He supposed that since it was such a strange idea that seems like it was dumb, and so many people liked it, there had to be some sort of draw to it past the whole one punch thing.

He decided to sit down in front of his TV and take a watch of the first season. Maybe there was actually value in the show. He hoped there would be, why would he want to waste his time? He fiddled with the TV for a bit, pressing all sorts of buttons to get to the correct platform to stream the show. Eventually, he figured it out and booted up the first episode. He surprisingly enjoyed it. People didn’t really market it to him as a comedy, but that’s exactly what it was. He found it rather hilarious, and the hours flew by as he watched more and more episodes.

One character that Kai found especially not funny was Tatsumaki. “Typical bullshit.” he grumbled when he first saw what she was like. “Another fucking trope.” he continued. Kai was especially sick of the tsundere type as of recent, and was rather disappointed to see the lazy character writing arise in what he thought was a promising anime. He was even considering reading the manga before he caught sight of her. All he saw her as was just another ‘Baka, it’s not like I like you or anything” character for the MC. He got so pissed off with her to the point where he just skipped any scene with her speaking.

During one of his skipping escapades, when he pressed the play button the show wouldn’t start again. Just stuck in the loading loop for a solid minute. Kai moved back and forth on the timeline trying to get the show working again. He let out a sigh as the TV shut off entirely. He got out of his comfortable position and tried to turn it back on again. The thing was a hunk of junk anyways, sometimes all it took was a good few hits of a fist or a metal object to get it working again.

He lifted his hand over the TV in preparation to give it a hearty hit. He let his fist down onto the plastic, but before he was able to make contact, he was stopped. Kai attempted to budge his hand towards or away from the TV, but it didn’t move an inch. “What in the fuhhhhh…” Kai whispered as he saw his hand emit a light green glow. It looked, different? Smoother and smaller. In comparison to the rest of his tiny hand, his fingers looked long and thin. He rubbed his eyes with his other hand in confusion while still trying to pull away his glowing one.

He grabbed onto the glowing hand with the non-glowing one, accidentally now making both of his hands glow, both of them being small and dainty. The green light quickly crept up the rest of his body, his arms and legs thinning down, shoulders and waist matching with a sharp crack for each. Kai let out a small yelp for each time he felt a crack in his spine. On the fourth crack, however, there was no yelp. Just the opening of his mouth to try and make a noise. On the fifth, however, the yelp was much higher pitched. He could tell with his own eyes that he was more than half a foot shorter now, and with a much smaller frame to fit it.

He attempted to break free from the glow, but as it took over his entire body it lifted him off the ground. His face felt numb and the shining green covered his entire head. Despite not being able to feel anything past the top of his neck, he could hear the popping as his chin and nose caved. He could still feel his eyes as he felt a slight bulging in them. He was able to see his reflection in the mirror, a soft face shimmering green eyes staring back at him.

Another cracking sound echoed through the room, another squeak following. He continued to stare into the reflection, unable to move his head at all. He couldn’t help but watch as his hair cascaded down to the bottom of his neck and inherited the same color of the glow that surrounded him. Of its own volition, the ends of the locks of his new green hair curled up to form a signature, undisputable style. Kai quickly realized what was happening and wind began to flow against his comfy clothes, his entire head looked like a perfect replica of Tatsumaki’s.

He never expected the cracks, even after so many, each surprising him as a reminder of who he was becoming. The length of his body was barely reaching 5 feet now. He couldn’t exactly see under the hoodie that was multiple sizes too large for him, but he could feel the wind whipping against his chest causing it to jiggle slightly. Sparks of pleasure rippled from his nipples from the cold wind, his chest growing to a respectable C cup. The breeze combined with his breasts being fondled by the elements caused his still normal size cock to stand up, fully erect, poking through his sweatpants.

Yet another crack, and his height lowered to a mere 4’8”. A girly “mmmmnhhhhh…ahhhhhn” escaped his puffy lips as the glow caused the wind to caress his lower body. Kai’s breathing became heavier as his small hips suddenly jutted out to become fitting for a woman of your height, and maybe even a little more. The wind whipped against the sensitive skin of his behind, his incredibly flat ass flowing full of soft fat. His thighs were next as they bubbled full, Kai letting out a “kyaaahnnn” from the sensual bliss. He could feel his now more endowed thighs and ass bounce slightly with the movement of the wind. He didn’t have much time to enjoy it though, as he was soon dropped back down to the ground.

Kai thought it was over, the green glow fading from his body. However, to his dismay, the glow returned again. It glowed radiantly over his crotch. He shouted out “NONONONO STOPSTOPSTOP” in the girly voice of Tatsumaki. There was nothing he could do but put his hands over his crotch as the glow forced his semen out of him, the sticky seed coating his pants and soft thighs. He squeezed his thighs together in orgasmic bliss as his eyes rolled back. The pleasure from his dick forming a tight puffy slit was surreal, his entire body shook as the orgasm continued, spraying clear fluid from his pussy all over his pants and thighs yet again.

Kai’s breath heaved from her first riveting orgasm as a woman. She couldn’t believe what that green glow was capable of, and she sort of wanted to feel it again. She quickly denied it though, she wouldn’t want that to happen again. It’s not like she really even liked it that much anyways. “Pffm, these clothes aren’t even remotely close to fitting. Of course.” she complained. Swiftly, the aura came back for a moment. Her clothes shrunk down into a tight black robe with cutouts at the side to reveal her hips and legs. The outfit overall did a great job accentuating her petite but still womanly figure. “Really? This is what you give me?” she said disinterested, but still blushing.

The wind that followed the green aura appeared to have a bit of an attitude and didn’t like her disrespect one bit. Kai was chilled as she felt the wind sweep between her legs, stimulating her clit. “S~stop that!” she shouted, “I don’t even feel anything!” The wind knew that she was lying through her teeth, typical behavior of a tsundere. It continued to wrap itself around her chest, erect nipples poking straight through the thin fabric. “Mmmmmnnnnhhhhh, s~stop…” she moaned faintly, waves of pleasure pulsing through her body. The wind knew what she wanted, it slipped her panties to the side as it made its way inside of her. She could feel her vaginal walls clenching and squeezing as her wet slit opened and closed, the wind thrusting in and out of her while still tickling her throbbing clit. She couldn’t stand the stimulation for much longer, she screamed out “KYAAAHHHH, DON’T KEEP GOING, DON’T MAKE ME CUH~CUH~CUH~CUUUUUM!!!” as the breeze overtook her body. Her legs squeezed together again as her head tilted back, her entire body spasming from the intense orgasm while her pussy sprayed out copious amounts of sweet sticky fluids.

Kai would have to find some new clothes, the ones she was wearing were completely soaked by her own fluids. She was too busy basking in the afterglow, a faint breeze still brushing over her still sensitive and slightly twitching body, but it’s not like she liked it or anything…


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