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Badguy wonders why the moon is rising.

He has never seen the moon rise during the day like this.

Especially not sideways.


You plummet towards Badguy, wielding your newly crafted MOONPICK.

He throws out a slash.

( You're about this close now. )

Another slash.

( You're pretty much there. )

You land powerfully in front of Badguy.

In classic bad guy fashion, Badguy begins smugly monologuing about how your MOONPICK has been rendered useless.

You bonk him on the head with the MOONHAMMER.

Badguy goes down instantly.

You decide that these 2 artifacts are simply too powerful for the hands of humans.

You have to get rid of them. Put them somewhere where they will never be found.

So you give them to Shen, who almost immediately loses them. That dude has a talent for losing things. When he loses something, it might as well be in the void of space.

All according to plan.

Then, finally, you decide to live out a dream you've had for a while.

You build yourself a dirt hovel.

Badguy has built a significantly more impressive one next to yours and is currently pouting in it.

It's okay, you think.

You'll let Badguy have this one.



Alright, so is it meat or candy now?


Aww this is the best way this could have ended!


I just read the whole thing and I loved every second of it