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You jank yourself into that corner. It's like you're trying to get into the backrooms, you're janking so hard. Holy shit. Badguy looks on in astonishment.

Well, you did it. You're out of bounds now. I'm not sure what you were hoping to accomplish through this, but hey, you are the guy I guess.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Mouse Demigod has totally fallen for your trick, and is drinking the potion! A classic blunder.

His class is being randomized! What will it be?? WHAT WILL IT BE???

Well, that's random numbers for you.

Mouse Paladin makes his way upstairs, but he's pretty harmless now. Hey, wasn't there a purple guy with you? Where is that guy?

(You're up here.)

Oh by the way, Miner Character has arrived at the door. It may be about to get pretty crowded in there.

(Not that you're low on space.)

What do you do?



Do a sequence break

