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🌞 If you're reading on the Android app, just a heads up: Animated GIFs don't play on the Patreon Android app, and there are a few in this. I've set it up so it reads well anyway! But the best reading experience might be via the mobile or desktop site. 🌛 

You let your body fall and pretend to be injured. In an attempt at speaking, you let out a few quiet gurgles of pain, in the hopes that the NEW RIEND comes closer. This makes your ruse a little more convincing. [ The NEW FRIEND's chance of escape is now only 20%. ]

But the NEW FRIEND doesn't fall for it, and runs away. The house only gets more corrupted from here, and there's no telling where they might have gone.

Night falls.

And it's the next morning.

You are now TRUFFLE. When MIA lead you to this room, you didn't even believe it was yours! But over the course of a few hours, your MEMORIES slowly returned: first hazy and dreamlike, feeling like deja vu, and then concrete. Your COLOR too, has faded back into a soft pink.

You'll go and see MIA, SHOM, and BLIZ in a minute. Is there anything in your ROOM that you want to inspect?

🌞 The top 2 choices will be done. If you want to do anything else before leaving your room, put it in the comments! I'll pick something from there too. 🌛

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I like the idea of looking into the photograph with the bear helmet on!


Looking back, can we see everyone's rooms after? Where is Bliz sleeping in the house? What happened in the other realm?