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Hey again y'all. Expect a normal Truffle's Day update tomorrow. THIS is a follow-up to this post where I asked y'all your opinions on [1] the personal thank-yous [2] update frequency & length and [3] a name change for the series. Let's get the easier ones out of the way first:

[2] Update Frequency

Shorter, More Frequent Updates: 238 Votes

Longer, Less Frequent Updates: 117 Votes

I'll now be doing more frequent but somewhat shorter updates (2 per week instead of 1) and giving y'all more decisions. Not ALL of the decisions will be super important or anything, but I'm gonna try to make them interesting even if they're just aesthetic. It'll take me a few updates to get good at this & I appreciate your patience. 🙏 I think once I get into the flow of this, even the people who voted for the longer updates will dig it.

[3] Series Name

Truffle's Day: 86 Votes

EDEN: 285 Votes

I'll be changing the name of the series from Truffle's Day to EDEN. This is one of my tasks for today! So, just don't be surprised if you see a lot of post titles changing and such.

[1] Personal Thank Yous

Yes: 147 Votes

No: 193 Votes

I've done a lot of thinking on this and admittedly flip flopped back and forth a lot. Several of you told me in the comments that you voted No on this because it's a source of anxiety for me, and even so it was the most contentious vote by far.

So I got to thinking "what is the anxiety, actually", and the anxiety is "I'm constantly losing patrons" (this is standard, don't worry) "and rather than doing this I could be making an update for Truffle's Day which is good for everyone who subscribes on here, or making a horror comic for my social media to get more people on board."

And, considering that this is my career, it's no surprise that I'm anxious about that stuff, but maybe there are other, more logical ways to alleviate the anxiety. For example, currently I make Bluechair in the most inefficient way possible: I write, then ink, then color, then upload 1 episode at a time, often right up against the deadline. If I do all that 2 at a time, that alone would make more than enough time for the personal thank yous.

And that's not to mention that maybe some people are more likely to stick around because of them, so maybe the rate of losing patrons would slow? So, I'm gonna try to be more efficient in other areas and continue the personal thank yous -- despite that option getting fewer votes, that's my decision. I can only realistically commit like an hour per workday to it, so there might be a bit of a delay, but it's hapening.

Thank you all for participating in this survey! It helped me figure out a lot of stuff I didn't know. 😁



I think the most important thing is,that YOU decide for your own self what is most important. it doesnt really matter SO much one way or the other. most important is that you feel comfortable to make the plunge and decide, even if no option is PERFECT. remember you can always change your mind later when circumstances change. <3 we're here FOR YOU


Oh geez shen, if I would have known thank yours and losing Patreon was anxiety inducing I would have voted no. I also used to flip flop in and out from financial stuff, but won’t anymore. I hope the patterns stabilize and bring you peace of mind ❤️


no pressure, just to clarify! i was just expressing my anxiety about it, but patrons coming & going is a natural part of this business, esp if a patreon is growing (which this one is thankfully 👍) so, i'm not in dire straits or anything, but i wanna provide as much value as i can to the ppl who support me on here