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Hey folk, so this is gonna be a HELL of a poll. This is like an election level poll. But I have some questions that I've been saving up, because rather than making 3 separate posts, I wanted to get it out of the way all at once!


Personal Thank Yous

I send out personal thank yous to all new patrons. If you've recently subscribed and haven't gotten one yet, it's cuz I'm a bit behind. Most people don't respond, but those that do seem to like it.

I wanna make myself available to y'all on here -- even if you just want to talk lore or say hi or something, feel free to DM me. The personal thanks yous thing, however, does tend to eat up 1-2 hours, and is also a source of constant anxiety because I'm perpetually behind on it.

Do y'all care about this? Or, would you want me to dedicate that time to working on stuff to post on here instead, like Truffle's Day?


Rhythm of Updates

Would y'all rather have...

A) 1 longer update per week with a meaningful (story-impactful) choice at the end


B) 2 shorter updates per week, each with a fun choice at the end, but only each 3rd update or so with a meaningful (story-impacting) choice at the end



Name of the Series

The name of the series, TRUFFLE'S DAY, was something that I kinda thought of on the spot, when I thought the series would follow only Truffle and take place over the course of a day.

Now we've been multiple characters and are well into the next day. I'm considering changing the name of the series from TRUFFLE'S DAY to EDEN, which is the name of the comic this series is based on.

What's your take on this? Do you like TRUFFLE'S DAY or EDEN more?


So here it comes. The hellish poll I've warned you about. You can vote on EVERY OPTION.

Good luck my friend.

Follow-up to this post here! >> 



Thanks for being so funny and scary


Personal thank you is really kind and something unexpected, but when numbers grows into thousands it is really time consuming, so better not stress about it, especially if not everyone responds. It's better for others to write to you instead if they want or have any questions. For me it was really nice surprise but wouldn't mind if you didn't either due to respect to your time you need for that. Short updates seems nice if it won't be overwhelming as you already post on different platforms. We won't survive long if every strip will be so meaningful. Eden seems cool if it won't collide with original comic since as you say, we no longer go just as Truffle.