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You try to get the LOCKET off the spinning blades using the STICK.

But the STICK might as well not have been there as the blades slice through it cleanly.

Still determined to get the locket, you resolve to use your HANDS. Now that you've gauged the blades a bit with the stick, your chance of death is only 25% as opposed to 30%. Heck, you're practically dying of curiosity already!

You reach for the locket as the blades spin towards you and...

You grab it without much effort.

As you do so, the CREATURE'S blades slow to a halt.

It collapses onto the ground and decomposes rapidly before your very eyes.

On the spot where it decomposed, a small sprout appears.

The sun is beginning to set.

You can go INTO THE CLEARING, DEEPER INTO THE FOREST, or HOME. As for what's farther down, where the CREATURE approached from -- that's just the mountains that surround this whole ISLAND.

What will it be, Shom?

🦌This will be decided via the comments. In addition to voting, you can propose a CORRUPTION, or some twist on the action that makes it RISKIER, LESS RISKY, or just WEIRDER. Your proposed CORRUPTION may also be bundled into the action! 🦌

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Take the sprout and go into the clearing