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Hey peeps.

So I feel bad that many of y'all support me here, but I don't give you anything exclusive in return -- no exclusive comics or illustrations, no behind the scenes stuff, nothing. I've come to terms with the fact that I just don't have the time and energy to do that.

So, I have a little over $2K on my balance here currently -- I'll be refunding that to it's respective owners to whatever extent possible towards the end of the day, and shutting down this Patreon.

I'd like to thank you all for your massive support all these years, and wish you a happy 2019 and beyond. If you're still interested in supporting me somehow, there's always the store (https://shenstuff.com/) and the book (http://emotionbuffdudes.com)! But your eyes on my comics alone are moral support for me, anyway. :] I'm most active on Twitter (https://twitter.com/shenanigansen) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/shencomix).

Unfortunately, as my financial situation is pretty tight right now, I have to cancel my own existing pledges. I'm pledging like $250+ to other creators, and while I'd love to support them, that's just not sustainable for me right now. So essentially, I'm leaving Patreon altogether. Sorry about the inactivity on this platform. Thank you again for your support!




Hi Shen, I don't think you should delete your patreon! I don't even come on this site often, just check my email notifications. I know it's not a lot, but I'm happy to support you every month because I appreciate the work it takes you to do your comic and I want you to know that, not because I demand exclusive content or behind the scenes updates into your life. I just want you to be able to support yourself!


I will respect your decision, but I honestly wouldn't mind supporting you regardless. I love your work and have always enjoyed your comics, they put a smile on my face even on bad days and to me that's priceless. I haven't gotten anything from your shop, nor your book, but I'd like to. If only ro support an artist that I really like. In any event, thanks for everything shen-pai 🙂💙


I really don’t mind not getting exclusive content. I just want to support you! But it’s totally up to you! Love you and support you!

Carlos Rendon

Hey Shen, We love your work. As others have said we're here to support you and I at least am not looking for anything in return. I totally get the need to simplify your life. I hope simplifying makes things easier for you and takes the pressure off.

Kevin Vognar

I didn't pledge to you so I could get exclusives, I did it so I could support your work! I really don't care if you're giving us anything extra here - just make the things you want to make. :)

Radiant Grey

I pledged fully knowing it was a tip jar. I understand needing to cut back, so I won't pressure you to change your decision, but know that I had no expectations and no regrets in sending some small token of support. You were the very first person I followed before having an account on here. :)


Others have already said it, but yeah, I don't pledge here to have exclusive content, I just do it to support you, because I think what you're doing is worth supporting. I think this is pretty much the same as supporting open source free software, devs are doing it for free and don't give anything exclusive to people donating, but people still donate because they like what the devs are doing. So yeah, even though I don't give a lot per month, I'd really like to still be able to do it, because you're currently one of my favorite comic artists. (btw, the book is awesome, I'm glad I pre-ordered it)


It was a pleasure to help you a bit to create the stuff you like, if you preffer to close the patreon I respect your choices, thank you for giving us joy with your creations and thank you for being honest and tell us that, take time, enjoy life for yourself and have a nice day Shen ! =)


Chiming in with everyone else here. I like giving to my fav artists, just to encourage more good things in the world. Your work brings me joy, and I'm happy to have the chance to give back!


Shen I pledge to support you, not for content! Please dont take down your page!! I want to keep supporting you like this!


If I'm part of the refund, don't bother. I support you because I like your work, I don't need anything for that. And good luck with all the endeavors, I will continue to follow you other places.


I really hope you reconsider this. I support you on here because I love the work you do on Webtoon. Reading your comics every week always brings a smile to my face, and I consider my donations here to be investing in that small joy. I could care less about getting exclusive content on here, I support you every month because I want to see you succeed. Don't feel obligated to give us something extra when we're already happy with what you do now.