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Dear supporters,
I would like to inform you of important news: next month (February) no new rewards will be distributed. It will resume in March.

 Unfortunately I need to take some time because I'm behind on work and I'm finding myself facing a thousand commitments in my life that don't allow me to dedicate myself to illustrations as usual.

Therefore you supporters will not pay the February fee: yes on the 1st of February you will not be charged anything and you will not pay anything, I will leave the January rewards in the blog. 

In fact, anyone who wants to sign up in February will pay because they find new stuff.

Please, if you are a subscriber now, do not unsubscribe or resubscribe in February because you will pay.

I attach the Patreon support email where these concepts are reiterated.
I will return in March with new illustrations, in the meantime the surveys will proceed regularly and we could take more time to do them.
Hoping for your understanding, I greet you all.






I hope you'll be alright and are able to catch up on everything that you want to.