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Hello everyone!

Yesterday the survey on how to illustrate the two winners (Howzer and Valdora) ended: the two characters will have their own illustration of their own as established by a substantial majority of you. So we will have two NSFW illustrations!

Now I kindly ask you to write  in the comments who you would like to nominate as a character in an upcoming illustration (for September) for the GymLife column!
Write it to me in the comments: on August 2nd I will open the poll (please be punctual in paying the subscription renewal because otherwise you cannot vote as it is a poll reserved for supporters only).

I also wanted to point out the Patreon page of ArtofBlacksmith (he opened his page in July): he was my teacher, he taught me everything, if you have my art it is only his merit. I share a special bond with this artist, the least I can do for him is to point out his page, invite you to become his supporters and enjoy his fantastic NSFW art.

LINK: https://www.patreon.com/ArtofBlacksmith

At the moment I don't think anything else of urgency to communicate to you. I hope you enjoyed the July illustrations. I wish you all a good summer continuation! 

Kind regards.



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