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Hello beauties, sorry for the delay, today I bring you a new weekly episode of "Man of House" (◕‿◕)

I also want to let you know that this weekend there will be a new chapter of "a goth fitness girl"  (^▽^)

As always, I hope you enjoy it 💓💓💓




Annie gets another domme. I wonder how auntie will feel about that. Another woman to train Annie.smile. There seems there needs to be a motivation for Annie to act on her new desire to change her bofy more.

Rheims MC

Yay! More man of the house content, the story is getting interesting, had my doubts with the hipno stuff bit it's really just giving an extra push to poor confused Annie


Solid! I’m interested to see if Annie has fun with girls or guys or both later on. I can definitely see her forgetting about her marriage in the future and somehow remembering it when it’s to late


Interesting! Still hope Annie and Daniel though. Can't for the next updates.

toni case

man get over the incest thing...i am hoping for much better then that from AndreaTG.and she has never left me unhappy.

toni case

got to say right there with you on hypno stuff..but it looks like it is working out.

toni case

aaawwww little Annie got a new LI 💕and its not a guy..thank you Andrea for keeping the straight man as a lesbian girl..dam like i said you never once disappointed me...now what will Sarah say when she finds out..i am loving how you keep this series so very real an always interesting..love your stuff keep it coming. 💕Annie showing off for another girl...was so dam cute.👧💞💗oh shit...sense Annie now wants to be a girl Jane can give her all the hardcore drugs directly..Blockers,Stronger Female Hormones,Butt an Breast Surgery..Face feminization..An Lets not forget Annie's Little Friend..locked up an soon to be totally useless.from all the Andro Blockers Jane will be giving to her..two to three months max...and John will never come back from that..only little Annie soft useless dicked Annie will be left..Sarah will not like that..but maybe her love for John will see her thru to a new awakening..as The man of the House.


That is just my wish for this story and I stand by my opinion. However, I dont mind if the story not going as what I wanted. I will still support Andrea. Different people have different preference.

toni case

I don't mind incest but their is no real need for it in this story..but yes your very free to like what you like..I am not kink shaming you..this story has so much more to offer


Who knows Sarah will enjoy having a wife as well?😏


Me: I don't know how I feel about the direction this story is going. A lot of the old tension surrounding Annie's transformation seems to have disappeared. Maybe its time I unsubscri- Blake: Exists. Me: Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in.


I still like the idea of Annie being with a guy it creates more tension and Annie being with a girl isn't going go scare any guys off lol


Hmm... INTERESTING... I can't wait to see what comes of this development :3

toni case

That's one butch girl she got...so yeah little guys will be scared off..that girl is well over 6 feet.


agree! i think the internal battle and her aunt trying to push her towards dating guys is so i teresting and fun ha

andrea sanchez

A little voice in Annie's head telling her what to do, perfect for a submissive girl like her 😵‍💫

andrea sanchez

maybe the family man she once was will be corrupted by the pleasure that comes with being a sexy chick 😳

andrea sanchez

maybe a good update to Annie's "attributes" is not so far off, don't worry, she'll have to look nice and sexy for her new girlfriend 🤠

andrea sanchez

I get the reference 🍷🤵🏻 the story will get a little more intense from now on 🔥 😉

toni case

well i hope so..i am just loving the dynamic of Annie...being Sarah's sexy submissive girlfriend or wife..since the John part of Annie is still deeply in love with her.