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Hello beauties, it's me again, and I bring you a new weekly episode of "Man of House" (◕‿◕)

We are back with Annie and the consequences of the "treatment" she underwent. Will things get better for her from now on?  🤔

As always, I hope you enjoy it 🧡🧡🧡




You ask too much questions, little girl…😎


I really hope Annie and Daniel gets romantic. I know it sounds weird, but its my biggest wish from this comic.

toni case

ok..........lets not go too far over the edge with this mind control thing.


Seems that it's only a submissive mind control which also will lead into him becoming a her mentally


I was a man? I have wife and son. Hard to believe once you look at such beautiful face and body. No doubt Annie will approach Daniel without seconds intentions but what about him? A beauty like Annie is looking for me. She´ll must try avoid Daniel´s advances


I like how feisty the guys are in both this and Goth Fitness Girl. I'd rather see the main character bullied/coerced to accept the feminization rather than hypnosis. I'm fine with it though as long as he breaks free from time to time or is still feisty/combative. I just don't want every issue from now on to be solved by Jane giving mind control orders. It's your comic and I'm sure I'll like it anyways, but I just wanted to let you know what I think about it.


Gonna have to echo what some others have said about the mind control. For me, a large part of this story's appeal has been the slow-burn corruption. I'd be fine with the hypnosis if it had happened at the beginning of the story, but it feels unnecessary and out of place after everything that's transpired so far.

toni case

maybe but he forgot his name..thats a bit more then submissive.

andrea sanchez

Hi beauties, I have been reading your comments and messages, and I understand your complaints regarding certain decisions. I have seen a lot of mixed comments, a big part of you love the idea of hypnosis in the story, while another big part of you don't like it at all, it is a trope which I wanted to embrace, and in fact in chapter 14.2 the record of likes was broken when introducing it, I know it is a complicated thing, but I want to try to handle it in the best way possible for the sake of getting to certain important points in the story. However, as I said before, I don't want the hypnosis to work as a "reboot" that removes all the events and memories Annie experienced in the previous chapters, nor do I want it to be a 100% identity replacement. I know I can't keep all points of view happy, and in fact I notice that there are also divided opinions towards certain possible pairings for Annie/John. For the time being I will try to take the story in the direction I have in mind, and if at some point I can give you to choose which way to go, I will make a poll about it. I will take into account what you have told me, feel free to send me a message about any other doubts you may have ( ̄︶ ̄)


A couple other content creators I follow post a link to a .pdf for each chapter part. May you please do that too? I read on my phone and Patreon’s web format isn’t that great to read your chapter updates through.

toni case

you are doing a wonderful job with keeping the story very real and down to earth. Just don't let the hypnosis be the end all of fix's for everything...and no matter what camp i am in..it is your story to tell..tell it your way.

Nino Heđi

I've seen so far that hypnosis is meant to help her and i personally don't mind. One thing that you should keep in mind that Annie has a familly and that is one thing you musn't leave out of ending of the story.I know he has become female secretary per his boss's orders however i don't see Jane's angle in this yet but you better find a way for Annie to her family because that's one thing that is bothering me. So far i don't have good feeling but her wife and son are part of her life and you'd wise not to take it away from her. Also i have sneaky suspicion that his wife might have something to do with Anie's predicament assuming she would wanna teach Annie a lesson for treating her like housewife.

toni case

by the way Penelope i support 37 different creators on here..three of them the same as you.