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If you've seen any of my whining on twitter you probably already know what I'm about to say but, 

My hands have out of Nowhere gotten real mcfucked in the carpal tunnel/RSI category. Last week they just took a massive dive, and since then I've completely stopped drawing, wrapped them day and night, iced them on and off, and they're still giving me just as much issue. I'm trying to see a doctor about it but my insurance paired with it being the holidays is making it really difficult. On top of this, we've had enough coworkers virtually taken OUT from Covid that I'm now full time shift as phones boy and it's eating a lot of hours/adding more stress on the hands. I'm reliant on store orders so I'll have to keep shipping those so It's proving a little difficult to fully rest my hands. Things like driving and brushing my teeth are difficult and it's uhhhh starting to really freak me out how out of nowhere damaged my hands have become. 

All this being said, I'm very concerned about meeting tier rewards this month. I will be firm on myself for the sake of my health that if my hands aren't feeling better soon, I won't be able to draw the art rewards within the month. I'm not dumping the art rewards cause y'all deserve that, but it means I might have to pause my Patreon all together coming January. 

It bums me out a lot as I started getting into the fun swing of this monthly pin club, but I have to take my injuries seriously. I've still not gotten to sending out the holiday cards as a result. (For the Gyarados pins, I still plan on shipping them out when they get to me, but there's been some shipping delays reasonably from the holidays) 

I don't have a lot of firm updates right now other then a life update with this whole situation, if my hands returned to their strength in a week I could comfortably say I won't have to pause anything but It's all unknown territory for now. All in all I am still deeply sorry for all of this, and if art rewards folks understandably can't wait into January for their art reward, DM me and I can refund you for this month. I'm sorry about any issues this caused, 


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