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I APOLOGIZE FOR ALL THE LACK OF POSTING, this is only a fraction of all the prep work I've been doing for several projects. like stuff that isn't even post worthy sort of prep, but soon hopefully!!

I'll be out of town April 5th-8/9th trying to scramble each day to get into the artist alley down at FWA, so i've been getting table prep ready for that, practice work on badges and such, shirts and inventory organized and ready, and ontop of that I've been using the extra spare time to organize and buckle down with King of Mars!

I'd like to believe April will be the start month for my comic, it's what i've planned since half a year ago, the first two chapters have been written, and the first chapter has been entirely storyboarded out, 56 whopping pages of peanut screaming 

I need to finish logo and ad work for the comic, and get some more bigger images finished for the comic, then i think I can really get started on it's pages. If y'all are interested, I'd love to post the completed pages here first, and consider posting the process wips too if that's appealing to anyone, I've never worked on comics quite this big so the process is sure to change/learn as I head forward

EITHER WAY, TY ALL FOR THE PATIENCE WHILE I CHUG THRU ALL THIS PREP WORK, PATREON REWARDS WON'T BE LATE OR NOTHING, mid month is normally when I get to em, messages will be sent out start of the month as usual, and uhhhh oh yeah im still trying for streaming i swear to poopy but im having issues with streaming programs, it's a bunch of computer stuff that's going over my head and when I get a moment to breathe ill be sure to ask some smarter buddies of mine how to go about fixing that



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