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And we end the year with the sketch of the Ryuko's future story >:3c

I already watched the anime, so I have a clear idea of what I'm going to do. I hope you enjoy it!

Now let's get serious. 

This year was one of the best years of my life and it was all thanks to you!

I can finally work on this without fear of getting fired or getting paid shit. 

And most importantly: you love my work and stories. And that makes me value my art more. 

You care about my health and don't pressure me to work too hard (that's something I do myself XDD)

For all your support, I just want to thank you all! I love you guys! ♡♡♡

Next year will be more and better! >:3



Sen Trillion

Have a happy new year! Also adding the squish detail of where each string is must have took some work, really impressive!

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Damn this is good. How did you get those red lines so thin, it’s beyond me.