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First to all, I want to apologize for this month with low content >_<

Between the poor organization with the projects and the flu that I spent a week in bed, this month I finished less content than I wanted.

That's why I want to ask you guys: For next month what are you want to see more?

(if you have other ideas that are not in the poll, you can comment too)



I’m going to put my vote for more stories. But I will automatically say that you just do what you can and don’t over stress/work yourself. 👍🏻

Roscoe Grange

I'm a bit confused as to what each of these options is referring to. I would like more stuff like the Yang, Sonia, and Erza art where the the bondage and text change each page and their couple pages of intro as well. I'm guessing that's probably stories, but I'm not 100% sure.