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Aden It's almost finished! I only need to color it, shadows, text, variants and done! >:3

As I said in Discord server, this week in Spain we had a heat wave and it was complicated to work with the computer TwT
But now it start to cool down and I can work normally! Yaaaay!

I'm so sorry to be slow this month, but don't worry. The works are partially done! I just need to finish them. 

Thankies so much for be patient with me! You guys are the best! <3

Today you'll have Aden finished and if I have time the Yoko's lineart!
And next week I'll work with part 2 of Sonia and Bowsette. Which you prefer than I work first?




,,, Transmorpers, looking for nice thighs ,,,

Trevor Bond

Heatwaves suck, stay cool and keep your equipment safe!