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This will be the Illustration Than I'll work little by little.

At first I was thinking in this one for a pic on the month, but it's better do a poll you can vote for.

I love Shantae very much, so It was difficult for choose one sketch.

And I think about a Mermaid factory version. But first I have to do the poll for all of you X,D




Dang, you are so efficient O__O


No one mentioned there'd be tentacles! I love it! Love the perspective work and alts! Looking forward to it, Issa!

Issa (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 13:40:25 It's a good perspective for adding tentacles! >:3c
2022-05-02 13:55:44 It's a good perspective for adding tentacles! >:3c

It's a good perspective for adding tentacles! >:3c