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Has Clark Kent started to waddle away from the demon, struggling to maintain his balance, he felt two strong big hands on his shoulders, the mere weight of the hands was almost enough for the weakened hero to fall to the ground. The demon smirked has he looked at the once strongest hero of earth. Now, a merely inflated land whale, failing to release from his light grasp. Energy started to swirl around Superman's chest and belly, his look of horror has his solid steel pec became twice has large has Lois Lane's, swelling and expanding forward and sagging downwards, finding rest on his ever-growing belly. Large love handles surrounded the hero's waist and the bottom of his belly completed covered his belly. He suddenly felt the huge demon easily pushing down, making fall into the ground, the demon stood in from of him and said, "I'm the Softningman and I will make sure your other super friends will soon join you!" has he started to laugh "Good luck trying to get up again, thought I doubt you will ever succeed."



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