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We made it to 10 exclusive episodes, it's a miracle. We basically just insult the discord for an hour, hope you enjoy 🥳



Yeah, I pretty much joined only to get the exclusive episodes besides the already public ones. Only use the discord to tell Pyro that tonight is the night when he randomly @everyone.


I started listening to the podcast because of Pyro but quickly became a fan of you all and the dynamic between you. I would love to engage on the discord as well but avoided it just because of what I’ve heard about it. Purge is needed.


I think the issues that plague the TBH discord are the same issues that come with just about any discord, but as size grows they get worse. As someone who's been watching Pyro since I was like 10 back in 2015, when I say I think the Pyro discord is shit, it's not because I don't like Pyro or his content, but because of the nature of large discord servers. Discord was built for small communities (a few thousand or less) that have maybe a few hundred users on at any one time. With larger servers comes more brainlets and bigots which causes more stringent moderation being a necessity, especially when it's a youtuber who has a reputation to maintain. The issue is with heavy moderation it feels less like a community and more like Twitter 2.0 (with worse UI). It's gotten to the point where I'm in two (2) discord servers, one with IRL friends for gaming, and the TBH discord, because I like the creators and it's small enough to get a word in if you're actually interested in a conversation. I think a lot of the difference in quality chatters between the TBH and Pyro discord comes from TBH being like a thousand or so, and Pyro's being 30,000.


Dude, literally my first interactions with the TBH discord someone told me to kill myself. I thought it was funny and on brand, but still. Like first 3 interactions

Dr. H

BTW me personally I've been around since I was dumb kid listening to that shifty mom's basement so I like colossal and pyro from his own stuff with dolan being likeable but the difference with nerd on the podcast is you just get so tired of his monotone boring voice sometimes he's unfunny. I come back after work tired and i genuinely get happy when I hear bs between pyro,dolan and colossal. P.s Idc about the discord it sounds fuked I jus like the no filtered shi between the 3 brits

Dr. H

I'm listening to what the discord is like and I genuinely want to know WHAT TYPA FUCKIN WEIRD FANS DO YOU GUYS ATTRACT

Rosh Drozzley

Hi I'm an 84 year old grandma. Can someone please tell me how to get the discord invite? I want to see endless posts about cats

Danny Darbyshire

I joined the discord I think automatically when I joined the Patreon, got spammed by furries waving at my join notification, opened up general, and just saw people being really weird so I left. Maybe I’m just old but I don’t see why I’d want to talk to these people anyway when they just spam memes. I think $5 for the exclusive episodes and early access is good and you should put the discord behind $10. Also, don’t highlight that your “worse” content is the Patreon stuff. People like to think they’re getting something of equal quality/effort, for the money. I think the podcast is excellent and can see you put a lot of time and effort in to it and moderating the discord, just the latter isn’t for me. Then again, I’m not paying to get value for my $5, but just because I want to support the continued existence of the show.




200$ upfront for a whole year access to the discord sounds fair