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WORDS: On the first of next month we're imposing a rule change to the Patreon discord server, where you'll need to be 18+ to join. This does NOT mean the server is now one of those NSFW 18+ servers.

TBH (name of podcast) I've only ever HEARD about these servers and they just sound really really bad. SO IT'S NOT THAT. IT WILL NEVER BE THAT. UNLUCKY PYRO.

Obviously we don't know your age and we're never gonna ask, but if you either admit or are somehow revealed to be under 18 then you're gonna get kicked. SORRY ABOUT THAT.

I'll happily personally refund anyone (if you've got a PayPal) that joined in the last month and still feels scammed by this. But AFTER next month the rule is in place, so that'll be your own fault. UNLUCKY.

Even though I wouldn't even classify the server as "adult" or "mature", or idk some other adjective, others and I still feel that it's too "adult" for minors. Honestly 18 is purposefully high, there'll probably be some leeway for those with birthdays coming up.

Obviously this isn't a Pyro moment and it was not our responsibility to check your age. Nothing negligible has been done on our part. There also hasn't been a a major or even minor incident that really prompted this. Even so, it's the right move and we should've just done it from the beginning. Well, we're doing it now instead OK?

That's all. Enjoy the new episode and cheers.

- Colossal is Crazy (the best host)


Itz E0N

Pyro will not be happy with this change


Poor Pyro